Woyd'are Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Woyd'are (WUHD are)

the Wood Elves


Woyd’are of Aldern hold nature to a near sacred level, known as Woyd’lonn ‘the Way of Woyd’. To them, nature provides all. They prefer leathers over farmed and processed linen, and hardened wood over of cold lifeless steel of armor. Where the Toeman'are create extravagant meals, the Woyd’are pick off the branch or vine and eat, or cook the meat over a fire after the hunt with little garnish. Where the high elves wash and bath continually, the Woyd’are don’t mind the feeling of dirt under their nails or mud caked on their skin after a long day's travel. They smell of the flowers and herbs that are rub across their bodies. Dull natural colors of their terrain are favored over the shiny cloth and steel of high elves.


Though the most reclusive, the Woyd’are are the most widespread. Their numbers believed to double, even triple their kin. Known for their love of nature, most wood elves communities do not actually oppose civilization or urban life. In fact, they can often be found dwelling on the edges of elven settlements, watching and guarding their brethren’s way of life. Personal choice is a foundation of their people's way of life, and they choose to live free among the trees in solitude or with a small group of companions. The smells and confined walls of a city simply have no appeal to them. Their communities rarely have any social hierarchy, or chain of command, with each member doing as they please. Each expecting the others to work towards the greater good of the community as a whole. They will show respect to authority but feel no need to adhere to its restrictions. The exception to this is when encountering a Soun'are, of which all elven kind submit, even against their own desires, as a child might submit to a parent.


Wood elves structures are a sight to behold, if one can find any. Woyd'are will spend years, even generations, slowly weaving branches together as they grow, eventually forming walls, rooms and hallways in the canopy of the treetops. Masters of the craft can make the branches grow so tight and uniform that they appear smooth. These sturctures, especially in remote areas, often are allowed to grow free on the outside, hiding the internal structure from view. However, those that extend their art to the exterior often go out of their way to create beauty. Colorful flowers in the treetops, glowing Nura orbs weaved into walls. If a traveler sees a parade of color and lights in the trees above, be assured it is an elven home. These decorative structures usually only appear in established Toeman'are towns, weaving their work around and through stonework of the high elves. To an outsider, elven towns with the two peoples building in harmony may look like a lost city overgrown by nature. But will find a perfectly planned settlement as they journey within.


Woyd’are skin tones range from pale tan to as dark as a Dagmon, with a soft completion common to all elves. Their hair color tends towards darker colors, with brown and red being most common. Brown is more common among the men, with red colors attributed to women. Woyd'are of Jerain will often have raven black hair. Eye colors nearly always have a base of brown coming out of a dark pupil, with an outer edge of either blue or green circling brightly. Wood elves commonly paint their exposed skin with plant dyes or colorful muds. Woyd’are of Novyum painting straight lines, while those of the Anbar preferring curving lines and swirls. Those elves of the south in Jerain prefer covering most exposed skin in solid natural colors.

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