Toeman'are Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Toeman'are (TOE man are)

the High Elves


Tinjir was, in its prehistory, part of the Areian Nations, the ancestral homeland of early Elf. The Thoamaine Peninsula, to the elves, is ‘Mya Toeman Mair’ (Land of the descendants of Toeman).


Toeman’are history is closely tied with the Humans of Ethae. Closer than any other elven ethnic group by far. After Dragonfall and the end of the Areian Nations, it is the high elves survivors that spread east into Ancient Siduum and Novyum. Less isolationist than their kin, they integrated into human societies of ancient days, aiding in the rise of great nations from the Heartlands such as Lakorth. Many of the human leadership of Novyum intermarried with these elves, creating the highborn bloodlines that persist into the modern day. As the age's past, their war against the hated dragons, betrayal by humans, and lowering birthrates dwindled their numbers. Toeman’are today, not residing on the elven islands of the Cota Ocean, live in towns away from human settlements. Most of these town, though in hard-to-reach areas, are established close enough to major human civilizations to be of aid. The high elves may not walk the streets of human cities anymore, but they still advise the courts of kings and nobles across Ethae. So rare as sighting of elves among the common man that many believe them the cradle-tales of bygone ages.


This has changed in recent years in Tinjir, as a younger generation of Toeman’are are journeying out of their remote communities. Some of these elves desire to explore their ancient homelands, seeking their roots. Many simply seek knowledge of the world beyond their isolated realms. Others seek to destroy the growing threats of the world, such as the whispers of surviving Dragon. Whatever their purpose, and though small in numbers, the Toeman’are are returning to the lands of mankind and seem interested in spreading their influence once more.

Toeman’are settlements retain the ancient tradition of the Areian Nations of blending artificial structures with the nature around them. The Ballads of the Fey'are describe areian cities as spiked towers of stone, glass, and bronze rising above the forest. As the lyric goes, “Soun saw to see below, Karasaanu ever below clouds among steeples above.” A shadow of once what was, today's high elf cities are often on rocky cliffs surrounded by trees. Polished stone structures ‘growing’ among the trees. The vistas from the top rooms always breathtaking. Each structure's location carefully chosen for the view once it reaches above the trees. Unlike many human towns, this creates a very dispersed settlement for the high elves. Towers are never clustered close to each other, avoiding damaging the view of another.

Toeman’are of Ethae skin-tones are usually soft, pale and pink, with an eternal youthful complexion, even in their elder years. Through ancient human intermarriages can vary the skin tone greatly, especially throughout Anbar. Women and men stand on average the same height and build, slender and tall. The women tend to have larger pointed ears, while the men often are often less noticeable. High elven eyes have what may be described as a metallic sheen to them, black being common, with a thin ring of blue, green or brown along the edge. As the elf ages the black fades, with the colors bleeding through more. Toeman’are hair is always of light colors. Red hair is most common, with entire communities sporting the color. Other light shades exist across the people, depending on their heritage these shades range from a sandy blonde to pure white. Toeman'are hair is never black or brown hues. High elven hairstyle varies greatly between communities, though long straight and well-groomed is popular across most. They rarely braid their hair, seeing it as a human style.

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