Woyd’lonn Tradition / Ritual in Aldern | World Anvil

Woyd’lonn (WUHD lahn)

the Way of Woyd


A belief that nature provides all. The practitioners of Woyd'lonn, will go out of their way to maintain balance of the natural order of their environments. Many falsely understand this to mean the practitioners love plant life over animal life. This is not true. They believe in the balance of all nature. The practitioners do not alter the land to grow crops, but rather, guide naturally growing food to thrive in their areas. Animals in Woyd'lonn forests are kept at sustainable numbers to keep the region in a pristine equilibrium. Master of Woyd'lonn spend years studying their lands to find the perfect balance of all life.


The Way of Woyd originated, as the name suggests, with the Woyd'are people. They legends say Woyd himself created the practice, though there is little evidence to back this claim. Over the ages other peoples have studied Woyd'lonn, including many northern Toeman'are communities, and the Sarhareia Lizardfolk of Mainor.


On the minor continent of Uluru, the Yin’feri Elf have a distorted practice of Woyd'lonn. Flora is the divine embodiment of Aldern to them for of Woyd'lonn. All serve to sustain plant life. Flora is allowed to grow unchecked. To consume and destroy vegetation is a sacrilege. Bone, meat, and flesh are all that is used for tools, sustenance, and clothing.


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