Calandor Character in Aldria | World Anvil


Evoker (12), Sage

Lord of Ellesmére

Calandor, Lord of Ellesmére, was an intrepid lord of the Eldar Elves and ruler of Ellesmére alongside his wife, Valariel. He is said to be one of wisest elves in Aldria and a powerful sage.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Calandor's hair is a rich, deep brown, reminiscent of the fertile earth of the Tavari Wilds. It flows gracefully down to his shoulders, framing his face with a natural, earthy hue. The brown strands are a testament to his age and the wisdom he has accumulated over the centuries, mirroring the tones of the ancient trees that surround his realm.   His eyes are the color of aged oak, deep and filled with the wisdom of ages. They hold a contemplative, almost otherworldly quality, as if they have gazed upon the most profound secrets of the Everwood.   Despite the passage of countless centuries, Calandor's appearance carries a timeless quality. His age does not mar his features; instead, it enhances the aura of wisdom and serenity that surrounds him. He embodies the essence of an Eldar Elf, a figure of both grace and ageless beauty.

Special abilities

As a powerful sage, Calandor possesses a profound connection to the arcane and the natural magic of the Everwood. He is known for his ability to decipher ancient texts, unlocking the secrets of the forest's enchantment. His insights into the balance between the Mortal Plane and the Feywild are sought after by scholars and adventurers alike, making him a renowned figure beyond the borders of the Tavari Wilds.

Apparel & Accessories

His attire is a masterpiece of elven craftsmanship, seamlessly blending elegance and the natural world. He wears robes woven from the finest materials found within the Tavari Wilds, adorned with intricate leaf patterns and subtle, earthy tones. These robes drape him with a sense of subtle grandeur, their every fold and contour suggesting an unspoken connection to the forest.   Calandor's jewelry is modest yet imbued with significance. He wears simple necklaces and bracelets adorned with gemstones that mirror the colors of the Tavari Wilds. These stones seem to resonate with the energies of the forest, reflecting his deep connection to the natural world.

Specialized Equipment

This ancient and beautifully bound Tome of Leaves is filled with delicate vellum pages, each inscribed with intricate elven runes and illustrations of the Everwood's flora and fauna. It is a repository of centuries' worth of Calandor's insights, knowledge, and wisdom regarding the Everwood, its magic, and the balance between the Mortal Plane and the Feywild. When opened, the tome emits a soft, soothing glow, and its pages turn on their own to reveal the information most relevant to the current situation. This tome not only serves as a source of guidance but also as a means of sharing his profound wisdom with others.   The Chronomancer's Hourglass is exquisite magical artifact which appears to be filled with shifting sands that flow in all directions. The hourglass grants Calandor limited control over the flow of time within a localized area, allowing him to slow or accelerate the progression of events. This power is primarily used for safeguarding the Everwood, as it enables him to react swiftly to threats or enact subtle changes to the forest's natural cycles. The hourglass also possesses the unique ability to reveal glimpses of the Everwood's past and future, aiding Calandor in making informed decisions to protect its harmony.


Calandor's wisdom has earned him the respect and reverence of both the Eldar Elves and the creatures of the Tavari Wilds. He is often consulted as an arbiter in disputes and as a source of guidance for those who seek a deeper understanding of the forest's magic. His presence in Ellesmére is a source of stability and enlightenment.   In addition to his role as a ruler and sage, Calandor is the custodian of Ellesmére's vast archives, which house a treasure trove of ancient elven lore and knowledge. These archives contain texts dating back to the earliest days of the Everwood, preserving the history, magic, and culture of the Eldar Elves.



husband (Vital)

Towards Valariel




wife (Vital)

Towards Calandor




Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1443 CE 2245 Years old
Valariel (wife)
Dark blue
Sleek brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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