Ellesmére Settlement in Aldria | World Anvil


Ellesmére, an ancient elven city hidden in the Tavari Wilds, once part of the Iseyid Empire, now stands restored by the Eldar Elves. It is known for its stunning rejuvenation, magical craftsmanship, and a blend of elven traditions and history with a touch of arcane wonder.   The city is residence to Calandor and Valariel, Lord and Lady of Ellesmére. They, along with Veldarius of Tel'deril, are the trinity which lead the remnants of the Eldar Elves. It is also home to Thanatos, Captain of The Wild Hunt, and Rhülon the masterwork smith.


The city of Ellesmére, nestled deep within the untamed jungles of the Tavari Wilds, stood as a testament to the grandeur and ambition of the Iseyid Empire. Its towering spires, adorned with intricate elven artistry, once reached for the heavens, and its lush gardens and majestic fountains were the envy of all who beheld them. But as with all the cities of the Iseyid, Ellesmére too fell into ruin and abandonment with the sudden collapse of the empire. For centuries, the city lay shrouded in the thick foliage of the Tavari Wilds, hidden away from the eyes of the world. Its once-magnificent structures crumbled, slowly consumed by nature's relentless advance. The jungle crept in, weaving its tendrils through the empty streets and winding around the once-proud spires.   Yet, at the turn of the century, a new chapter began for Ellesmére. It was the Eldar elves who would rediscover the city and, with great reverence for its history, embark on the monumental task of reclaiming it.   The Eldar elves, known for their deep connection to the natural world and their affinity for ancient elven traditions, approached the city with a sense of purpose. They saw Ellesmére not as a relic of a fallen empire, but as a piece of their own heritage waiting to be reborn.   With skillful hands and powerful magic, the Eldar elves began the painstaking process of restoring Ellesmére to its former glory. They cleared away the encroaching jungle, mended the shattered spires, and breathed life back into the dormant gardens. It was a labor of love and a testament to their dedication.   As the city slowly emerged from its long slumber, the Eldar elves found themselves not just as caretakers of history but as its guardians. They incorporated their own traditions and beliefs into the city's revival, creating a harmonious blend of old and new.   Ellesmére, once the jewel of the Iseyid Empire, was now a symbol of resilience and rebirth. It stood as a living testament to the enduring spirit of the elves, a reminder that even in the face of the greatest of falls, there could be a chance for renewal and a return to the splendor of bygone eras.
Founding Date
900 1A / 132 2A (Reclaimed)
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