Valariel Character in Aldria | World Anvil


Archdruid (15)

Lady of the Woods

Valariel was the "Lady" of the Everwood, which she ruled over with her husband, Calandor. One of the greatest Eldar Elves in Aldria, she surpassed nearly all others in beauty, knowledge, and power.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Valariel, the "Lady" of the Everwood, is an exemplar of elven grace and beauty. Valariel's hair is a rich, tawny hue, resembling the golden waters of a serene river at twilight. It flows like a cascade of liquid silk, cascading down her back in gentle waves. Her hair often catches the dappled sunlight that filters through the thick canopy of the Everwood, giving it an ethereal, almost luminescent quality. Her eyes hold a serene, timeless quality that seems to peer into one's very soul. Despite having lived for countless centuries, her ageless beauty remains unchanged, embodying the timeless grace of her people.   Beneath Valariel's tranquil and graceful demeanor lies a passionate and determined spirit that burns like a wildfire. Her fiery aspect is characterized by a fierce love for the Everwood and its inhabitants. She is fiercely protective of her realm and will stop at nothing to ensure its safety and preservation. When the Everwood is threatened, her calm exterior gives way to a burning determination and unwavering resolve.   The interplay between Valariel's fiery aspect and her serene nature creates a unique and harmonious balance within her. She knows when to be calm and patient, like the stillness of a forest glade, and when to unleash her inner fire, like the crackling flames of a hearth. This balance is a reflection of the Everwood itself, a place of both tranquil beauty and hidden power.

Special abilities

Valariel's mastery of magic is awe-inspiring. She is a skilled sorceress who can  harness the very essence of the Everwood to cast spells of extraordinary power and beauty. Her enchantments breathe life into the forest itself, causing trees to sway in a mesmerizing dance and streams to sing in harmonious melodies. She is a living testament to the harmony between elves and the natural world.

Apparel & Accessories

Valariel's attire is woven from the finest threads of the forest itself. The fabric seems to shimmer with an inner light, as if it were woven from moonlight and starshine. Intricate leaf patterns, embroidered in shades of green and gold, grace the hem and cuffs of her attire.

Specialized Equipment

Upon Valariel's brow rests The Diadem of Verdant Authority crafted from interwoven vines and leaves, each intricately detailed to resemble the flora of the Everwood. This diadem is more than just an accessory; it symbolizes her authority as the guardian of the Everwood. It is said to be imbued with ancient magic, granting her insight into the needs and well-being of the forest. When she calls upon its power, it can awaken the very heart of the Tavari Wilds, summoning the spirits of the land to her aid.   Her Boots of Whispering Leaves are a marvel of elven artistry, designed for silent movement through the dense undergrowth of the Tavari Wilds. They are fashioned from supple, enchanted leather, and their soles seem to barely touch the forest floor. As she walks, the leaves and branches part almost of their own accord, granting her passage without leaving a trace.   The Lady of the Woods' Cloak of Shifting Seasons is a masterpiece of elven tailoring, designed to mimic the changing seasons of the Everwood. It shifts from vibrant spring greens to the fiery hues of autumn as she moves through the forest, a living representation of the timeless cycle of life and renewal.



husband (Vital)

Towards Valariel




wife (Vital)

Towards Calandor




Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of the Eldar, Lady of Ellesmére, and Protector of the Tavari Wilds
Year of Birth
1230 CE 2458 Years old
Calandor (husband)
Light blue
Long, braided, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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