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Session 11: Mystery is Afoot Report

General Summary

Meeting with Renaer Neverember, the group discovers he has a history with Dalakhar - the gnome being an agent for Renaer's estranged father, Dagult Neverember. Dalakhar recently contacted Renaer to setup a meeting, insisting he had something "incredibly valuable" which needed to make it to Renaer's father. The meeting was set for Trollskull Manor, but was stopped before it began due to a fireball being hurled at the unsuspecting gnome.   Renaer's own agent did some investigating after the explosion and was able to obtain information collected by the City Watch, including details of the suspects as well as a list of victims:   Report to Renaer
  News of the death of Bonnie - an innocent bystander in the violent attack - struck the group intensely. The effect of the loss already being felt in The Yawning Portal as the group would later discover.   Upon reading the details of the suspects in the crime, Marsali and De were reminded of seeing mechanical constructs in a recent parade that seemingly matched the description of the first suspect. Inquiry on the origin of the creations pointed them toward The Sea Maidens Faire, currently setup in the Docks Ward.  
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors
  After a brief detour to a game of skill (where Wiley failed to meet his own expectations) the group discovered a tent of constructs known as "Nimblewrights" - though none matched the description of the suspect. Through a series of events including exceptional skills of verbal deception demonstrated by Lars, invisible magical aid from Marsali, infiltration by Wiley and distraction from De, the group (well, most of them) managed to take a rowboat out to the Eyecatcher - flagship of the carnival, currently at anchor in Deepwater Harbor.   Marsali, in squirrel form, managed to sneak aboard the ship; while Lars and Wiley await in the rowboat, and De somewhere onshore a mile away. She has not discovered the Nimblewright, but was met with a tall, ostentatiously-garbed stranger; whose disposition toward her is yet to be known..
Tales of the Sword Coast
Wiley McGinty
Lars De Le Seips
Marsali MacKinnon
De Nice
Report Date
24 Nov 2021

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