
Narashola is an ancient settlement on the west side of Esmos. While it certainly participates in the distribution of the nation's output of vaguely illegal substances (there is a sea route directly west to Thuyle), Narashola's history runs much deeper, earning it the nickname of The Haunted Port.   Narashola is nearly 1/4 Dragonborn, giving it one of the highest concentrations of that species on the continent. There are virtually no Gnomes in the city, and both the Dragonborn and the Humans outnumber the Elves (although, as in most of the Myr states, political power is concentrated with the Elves).  



The Port



  In Elven, Yamoar translates roughly to Screams of the Sea Spirit. While some claim the surreal noises that occur here are the products of winds through the ancient architecture, others claim it speaks to an ancient legend where one of Elliry's sons was imprisoned deep beneath the port as punishment for spearheading an uprising against his mother.  

Yára District

  The Old District, there are buildings in Yára that date back more than 8,000 years--old even by Elvish standards.  


  The Neway is the newest part Narashola, expanding south from Yára--indeed, it's construction required the destrunction and rebuilding of the wall that surrounds the village, which used to curve northwards around the main souther square of Yára.   Neway is the home of the emergent upper middle class of the town, with warehouses spilling outside the walls to the south. Most of the Dragonborn population live here.  

Clay Barrow

  Clay Barrow holds the artisan and guildhalls of Narashola.  

The Fogwall

  The Fogwall is named for an odd phenomenon where ocean fog nestles against the east wall of the town, reducing visibility to near zero and coating the structures--and people--in a light dew.   This occurs at every low tide, as if moisture from the swamps to the east of town are being draw towards the ocean.  


  Known as The Ghostly Mile, Lárossë contains ...  



The Keep


Dr 24% | D 4% | E 13% | G <1% | HE 17% | HO 2% | Ha 9% | Hu 15% | T 8% | Other 8% (Ar, Go)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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