
The southernmost of the original three kingdoms, The Kingdom of Esmos is quite distinct from Kylle and Olexia.   Its northern border is with Kylle, and there is a small western edge with Thasia. The rest of Esmos is surrounded by water: the Mastel Ocean to the east, the Muassu Ocean to the west, and Namma Bay between two curved parallel peninsulas at the south.   Esmos is divided into four earldoms (Amhi, Diris, Lampia, and Magria). The Earls are largely ceremonial, but do wield influence within their territories, if nothing else, due to their control of the treasuries and military forces. Diris is by far the most important earldom: it is three times the size of Amhi; however, Amhi does have nearly three-fourths the population of Diris, with all four Amhean cities having more than 10,000 inhabitants.   Part of what distinguishes Esmos is the climate and geography: while the rest of the three kingdoms are formed by a massive change in elevation, Esmos is essentially flat, with the forests of the north and west of the state fading to wetlands in the east and south. It is also a very wet nation, subject to massive storms and flooding.   As with the rest of the three original Myr kingdoms, the ruling families of Esmos are thoroughly interconnected with the courts and lineages of those of Olexia and Kylle.  

Esmean Agriculture

  The southern half of Esmos is highly arable, with the two largest cash crops being Khrat and grapes for wine. The bottles produced by Esmean vineyards run the full gauntlet of drinkability, but the Khrat is universally acclaimed.  

Esmean Culture

  Esmos is thoroughly Myr and thoroughly devoted to Elliryian Spirits.   Esmos is a very casual, very laid-back culture in general. This may or may not have anything to do with the massive Khrat plantations of the western coast.  

Earldoms in Esmos

Region Population Capital Area (SqMi)
Amhi 141,00 Lyllesse (*) 12,000
Diris 197,000 Thesya 35,000
Lampia 52,000 Sorenorgond 4,700
Magria 25,000 Aethysse 7,500

Amhi Earldom

  The northwest of the earldoms, Amhi borders Kylle to the north and Thasia to the west. While not particularly large, Amhi hosts four large cities, making it highly influential in Esmean politics.

Cities in Amhi

City Population
Foxbridge 10,000
Lyllesse (*) 13,000
Melan 14,000
Myssad 11,000


  Foxbridge sits on a fork in the Kysse River, where it is joined by Metrysse Creek.  


  The capital of all Esmos, Lyllesse is nestled between the Kysse River and Metrysse Creek, with the edges of the city touching each waterway (they join downstream at Foxbridge).  


  The largest city in Esmos, Melan sits on the border with Kylle, where the Kysse River and the Sonala River separate a final time.   Just downstream from Melan, where the Sonala separates for the first time, is a large island, Lanfyr, crowned by ruins.  


  Amhi's only port, Myssad is at the mouth of the Arocryn River.  

Diris Earldom

  Diris is the largest of the four earldoms, stretching below Lampia all the way down Esmos and well around Namma Bay.

Cities in Diris

City Population
Jamnas 9,000
Lylsyamar 7,200
Narashola 4,600
Tharion 1,600
Thesya 12,000
Verarion 11,000


  At the center of Namma Bay, Jamnas is a significant port, largely due to the protection of the two arms of the southern peninsula.  


  A city almost in the center of Esmos, Lylsyamar's size is mostly due to its being a distribution center for Khrat, with the ports of Myssad and Jamnas readily available for ocean routes and the road north towards Foxbridge and Lyllesse for overland trade.  


  On the western arm of the southern peninsula, Narashola, at the headwaters of Omelis Creek, serves as a distribution point for Khrat from the southern plantations.  


  Just north of Jamnas, Tharion is a small waytown on the main road north. It has gained notoriety in the past few decades as the land between Tharion and the coast has filled with vineyards, producing the golden Malicondëan varieties which are seen by some as the finest contemporary wine in all of Mizra'aki.  


  The capital of Diris, Thesya is downstream from Foxbridge on the Kysse River.  


  The only port on the eastern coast of Diris, Verarion is at the mouth of the Andysse River in the Bay of Verar.  

Lampia Earldom

  A small earldom in the northeast of Esmos, Lampia's northern border is with Kylle, and its eastern side is all coast on the Mastel Ocean.

Cities in Lampia

City Population
Shemna (*) 13,000
Tharius 7,000


  The capital of the earldom, Shemna is a port at the mouth of the Argifes River.   A concerted effort was made several centuries ago to attract Dragonborn to Shemna, which was highly successful, leaving it with one of the highest per capita population in Mizra'aki.  


  Upstream on the Argifes River, Tharius is the first city in Esmos for trade from Oradi and Oslolora in Kylle.   There is a small center of The Hex here, associated with the larger center in Newport in Eastfall.  

Magria Earldom

  Magria spans the southern peninsula, with most of its land on the western spur, but a small bit of the eastern marshes also under control of its earl.

Cities in Magria

City Population
Aethysse (*) 7,300


  The only city of note in Magria, Aethysse is a port on the western shore. There are rumors of multiple Fey Bridges in the city; indeed Aethysse is one of the few cities where The Fey have moved from rumor to confirmed fact.   The area west of Aethysse is dotted with vineyards, producing the highly sought after Aethyssian Reds.


60k square miles


428k population
307k rural | 121k urban

National Capital


Dominant Biomes

Rainforest & Wetlands
Geopolitical, Country
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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