
In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.
  Many players feel humans are somehow boring. Far from it: they are often the most well-rounded characters, and have the widest range of expression for gameplay (as an Elf, you are expected to elven things; as a human, all options remain on the table).  

Humans in Alemi

  In Mizra'aki, Humans make up nearly a quarter of the overall population: it doesn't sound like much, but when you consider that 8 dominant races split the other 75%, there are clearly more Humans than anything else. Of the over 6M on the continent, over 1.5M find themselves in urban areas.   Clifnal in The Camian Duocracy is the only city of note that is over 50% Human. It is, in fact, the only city over 10,000 people with over 50% of any single race. Eastych (Eastmarch), Danahin (Uatepech), and Nisiri (Badoneti) are other large cities with over 1/3 of their population as Humans.   In raw numbers, Nisiri leads the way with over 17,000, but Ylleneaor (Kytosia), Rar (Anehriael), Newport (Eastfall), and Hilzir (Uatepech) each have over 13,000 human inhabitants.   Only 3 locations (and none of them over 4,000 total population) are under 2% Human: Ahilese (Thuyle), Mekefafeli (Mehali), and Bridmin (Olexia). Only 6 towns have fewer than 100 Human inhabitants: those 3 plus Arazah (Nyria), Arinton (The Camian Duocracy), and Tunicha (Mehali).  

Racial Overview



In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the youngest of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.
ability score increase: STR +1; DEX +1; WIS +1; CHA +1; INT +1; CON +1
age: Humans reach adulthood in their late teens; lifespan of ~80 years.
alignment: Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common; 1 other language of your choice
race features:
Optionally, instead of increasing each ability by 1, you can choose Variant Human Traits as follows
Ability Bonus
2 Abilities of your choice, +1 each.
You gain proficiency in 1 skill of your choice.
You gain 1 feat of your choice.
PHB 29-31

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans reach adulthood in their late teens.
80 years.
Average Height
5ft - 6ft.
Average Weight
120lb - 240lb.


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