
The largely elven Myr dominate the southeast of Mizra'aki.   The Myr are highly expansionist, having started historically in what is now Olexia, Kylle, and Esmos before aggressive expansion in the era before the wars with Virion expanding thier reach both westward, but also north into what are now Avenian lands. Currently, in addition to the original three kingdoms, the Myr are dominant in (east to west)  
  • Thasia
  • Nyria
  • Laeth
  • Kytosia
  • Cyra
  • Thuyle
  • Toniyll

  • Collectively, these ten countries are referred to as the Myrdyion. Occasionally, the term Myr will be used to refer specifically to the three original nations, although this usage is becoming more archaic amongst non-elven speakers.   Each nation in the Myrdyion has significant coastline, and the strength of the Myr is more in their navy than their army--in fact, if it weren't for the Vanahrut Mountains along the northern edge of the Myrdyion, it's not clear the Myr's dominance would have continued over the many centuries.  

    Myr Values

      The Myr's culture centers around their complex relationship with the natural world. They see themselves both as the true caretakers of nature and as its rightful master, making the Myr both responsible for the preservation of nature and its control.   See Elliryian Spirits for information on Myr religious practices.  

    Myr Settlements

      The Myr value intricate craftsmanship that allows for ample interaction with the natural world, and Myr settlements are full of exposed walkways, public parks, expansive skylights, etc. In all of this, form is valued above function, and the inner workings of the cities--aqueducts, sewage, trash collection, etc.--are often either in need of repair or, more commonly, delegated to populations of races seen as "more suited" to such tasks.   As such, relationships between elves of the Myrydion and other races are often ... prickly. This is most true in Nyria, which has become the center of Elven-centrism in Mizra'aki. It is also true, although to a lesser extent, in the three original kingdoms, while the western nations--especially Toniyll, Kytosia, and Laeth--have developed a far more egalitarian approach to racial diversity.  

    Humans In the Myr

      Historically--and as a cultural represenation of Elvish dominance--humans take funcional patronyms based on their profession. The name Mason is quite common, and refers to general laborers ( being elvish for hand).  

    The Original Three Kingdoms

      Milennia ago, the Myr emerged and formed the kingdoms of Olexia, Kylle, and Esmos.  

    The Quainel

      The Quainel refers to thirteen families (called Houses), mythically attributed as the "founding families" of the Myr. Obviously, the actual history is more tangled: families have been eliminated, added, etc. over the years. However, for the last 2,200 years, the Quainel has been stable, and the thirteen familes currently are  
  • Aelasar
  • Aranthir
  • Firela
  • Gilwen
  • Halrond
  • Iriel
  • Kyrrha
  • Maiele
  • Orris
  • Rathiain
  • Tehlmar
  • Thalien
  • Ulrod
  •   The Quainel meet every 507 years, most recently in 1380. For a family to be removed from the Quainel--something the Firela line faces--it must be agreed upon at two consecutive meetings of the Quainel. This last happened in 2899MS / -646CT when the Dalyor were expelled from the Quainel, replaced by the Orris.  

    The Houses and the Tulvar

      House lineage is a complicated issue for the Myr, but essentially, the eldest child that has children is the Tulvar, or the current lineage holder for the House. This is a position of honor and political power, as the Tulvar is responsible for the representation of the House at the Quainel and at court. The Tulvar passess equally to male and female heirs, and if another House marries the current Tulvar, they are brought into their House--as an example, when Ioriel Kyrrha married Amrond Firela, she was brought into House Firela; likewise, when, three generations later, Vispasiel Kyrrha married Teharissa Firela, he too joined House Firela, leaving House Kyrrha.   The Tulvar is reassigned if the current Tulvar is either childless, or produces non-fully elven offspring. This latter claim has been challenged occasionally through history, but never successfully.  

    The Anwa

      The Anwa movement reflects a general Elven conflict over their role in The Defeat of Virion. Myr casualties were massive in the final wars, which were centered in what is now the countries of Nyria and Thasia.   Unsurprisingly, those locales are the heart of the Anwa movement, with Nyria especially being the home of a purity movement, demanding that those lands belong, first and foremost, to Elves. Anwa as a whole is more accepting of other races than it is of the mixed lineages: Half-Elves and Half-Orcs have been targeted especially by the movement as being alnassë, or "unnatural manifestations."  

    The Free States of Myr

      Partially as a response to Anwa and partially as a natural evolution of their proximity to Slovan lands, the southwestern Myr states have united to advocate for a far more liberal and lenient stance towards their internal diversity and demographics.   The Free States are led by Kytosia, but also include Laeth and Toniyll. The support of the Iben States of Cyra and Thuyle is unclear, although both nations are certainly not terribly supportive of the Anwa movement.   The border between Laeth and Nyria has become increasingly militarized over the past decades.  



    The Original Three Myr States


    The Newer Myr States / The Free States of Myr

    Related Organizations


    3545 and beyond

    The current era of the Myr.

    • 165 MS

      13 /3

      Founding of Firela House

      irriel Tehlmar & Cornaith Firela found Firela House through their marriage.

    • 2729 MS

      Stabilization of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      The last bit of upheaval to the thirteen family structure that rules the original Myr kingdomes of Olexia, Kylle, and Esmos.   The changes to the Quainel were formalized in the following meeting, in the year -646 CT.

    • 2899 MS

      24 /13
      2899 MS

      3 /14

      Meeting of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      Meeting of the Quainel.   At this session, the Dalyor were expelled from the Quainel, replaced by the Orris.

    • 3406 MS

      3 /7
      3406 MS

      11 /7

      Meeting of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      Meeting of the Quainel.

    • 3542 MS

      11 /4

      The Defeat of Virion
      Military action

      With the defeat of the demigod Virion, the world was released from centuries of darkness and despair and all that bad stuff.

    • 3651 MS

      10 /4

      Founding of Nyria
      Diplomatic action

      The founding of Nyria, creating a state based on the principles of Elven superiority.

      Additional timelines
    • 3740 MS

      25 /8

      The Dissolution of Iben into Cyra & Thuyle
      Diplomatic action

      This date marks the founding of both Cyra and Thuyle, as the former state of Iben separates into two new nations.

    • 3844 MS

      Founding of the Healing Towers

      A group of healers in Draume form the original Healing Tower.

      More reading
      The Healing Towers
      Additional timelines
    • 3902 MS

      Founding of the Yebdwisain Circle

      The College of Bey, Parkour College, Ybrahyme College, and Kuti College come together to form the The Yebdwisain Circle.   The current membership of the consortium was settled in 1037.

      More reading
      The Yebdwisain Circle
      Additional timelines
    • 3913 MS

      4 /9
      3913 MS

      20 /9

      Meeting of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      Meeting of the Quainel.

    • 4418 MS

      10 /11
      4418 MS

      27 /11

      Meeting of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      Meeting of The Quainel.

    • 4444 MS

      4452 MS

      Founding of the Schools of the Weave

      Beginning with the school in Ika in 899, and continuing in nearby Rikusi in 906 and Gysse in 907, the Schools of the Weave are formed.

      More reading
      Schools of the Weave
      Additional timelines
    • 4466 MS

      6 /4

      The Battle of the Anat Valley
      Military action

      Barathir Firela defeated.

    • 4511 MS

      Founding of the Circles of the Innate

      The original Circle of the Innate goes public in Yotara. It is joined by the Circle in Einenil (968) and Suraksā (986).

    • 4513 MS

      Circle of the Innate: House Einenil

      The second public House of The Circles of the Innate is founded, this one in Einenil.

    • 4537 MS

      10 /4

      The Sabridan Accord
      Diplomatic action

      The Sabridan Accord formalized the agreement between Kurch and Olexia that confirmed Olessian control of the island of Sabrida, off the Kurch coast.

      Additional timelines
    • 4734 MS

      Founding of The Hex

      Building on discussions between Warlock from Bath, Atrinh, and Newport, by the end of this year representatives from Gysse, Irgath, and Donye joined to form the original six members of The Hex.   The satellite model was full, with forty-two operating Hex centers by 1222.

      More reading
      The Hex
    • 4891 MS

      18 /4
      4891 MS

      24 /4

      Battle of Eshei
      Military action

      The culmination of tensions between Laeth and Nyria, resulting in the city of Eshei joining Laeth.

    • 4925 MS

      14 /12
      4925 MS

      22 /13

      Meeting of the Quainel
      Cultural event

      The most recent meeting of the Quainel, which occurs every 507 years.


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