
With their headquarters in the Awiran city of Asisi, the Nefbeli are one of the dominant maritime organizations in Mizra'aki, certainly the dominant one from the northwestern a'Tori lands across the chilly waters of the Kizikaze Ocean.   The Nefbeli are well-known to accept outright piracy as a legitimate means of trade.  

Important Figures

  • Leader of the Wedebi Fleet: Valeria Rediat
  • Structure

    Each formal location is referred to as a fleet, and led by a Captain. Fleets are maintained in larger cities, tasked largely with ensuring that governmental relations remain smooth. Smaller locations may host their own fleets--some even larger than those in major urban locations--but are often kept quiety, with no public delcaration of Nefbeli presence.
    Corporation, Commerce
    Related Ethnicities


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