Lusitania Geographic Location in Alendia | World Anvil


Lusitania is a continent of Alendia and is located in the southeast of The New World. It is home to theLusitanians and other creatures of smaller races, like Yuan-Ti, Tabaxi, Lizardmen, and so on. Over time many creatures of other races, especially Elves settled on the continent too.  


The continent of Lusitania is a giant Island and has no other continents bordering it. Therefore, the borders of Lusitania are well defined. Earlier, there were some minor conflicts over some islands belonging to Lusitania or the Mitractulum. Eventually, both parties agreed on assigning these islands to the Mitractulum. The continent is split into 8 different regions, the so-called human colonies. Lusitania covers up to about 430000 square miles, which is almost as large as Old-Tiakis.  


The climate in Lusitania varies a lot, depending on the latitude. The northern regions of Lusitania lie in a subtropical climate zone. The center and south of Lusitania are much warmer, reaching desert-like, tropical temperatures. The eastern parts of Lusitania are exposed to high precipitation, especially the countries Mootland and Rondrarien. The two large mountain ranges in Lusitania shield Südland and Rauland from the southeast wind and rainfall.  


The vegetation of Lusitania is very diverse, ranging from subtropical, over the desert to tropical rainforest vegetation. InOberland, one could find deciduous forest but also typical subtropical vegetation like sclerophyllous plants. Moving further to the south, the great desert of Lusitania spreads from the western to the eastern coast across the center of the continent. This region allows only a few animals and plants to survive. Further south, beyond the southern mountain range, you can find the country Rondrarien. It is on the windward side and therefore exposed to huge amounts of rainfall It is a very popular region to grow plants that need a lot of water, for example, rice. On the other hand, in the rather uncivilized regions in Rondrarien, one can find classical rainforest vegetation. The Mootland in the east of Lusitania is nothing more but a giant swamp with a perfect climate and vegetation for amphibious creatures and swamp-loving plants. The ocean to the west, east, and south of Lusitania is filled with all kinds of fish and other sea animals.  



The current population of Lusitania is estimated to be around 30 million people, most of them living in the northwestern countries. The population density is very average compared to other continents.  

Ethnic Groups

The largest ethnic group in Lusitania are Humans, respectively,Lusitanians. When the humans arrived in Lusitania, it came to the extinction of a few races. However, many races survived in the wilderness. The Mootland is a popular place for Yuan-Ti and Lizardmen, the desert is said to be populated by some ancient djinns, a few small tribes of Tabaxi live in the western regions of Lusitania.  


The Pantheon of the Twelve Gods is the most dominant established religion in Ephea due to a large number of Humans. Most other races accepted this pantheon as well over time, voluntarily or not. However, many wild tribes believe in forces of nature or the pantheon of the old gods. Some of them might even have their own minor pantheon.  


Lusitania is split into eight different countries, the eight colonies of the The Human Empire. As the name suggests, all countries are subordinate to the Human Empire and are an important part of it. Each country is administrated by a different ruler and government and is free to make its own decisions up to a certain degree. The countries are very different from each other. For further details look up the article aboutLusitanians or even about every single country itself. All countries are listed below.  

List of the countries of Lusitania

Region: The New World 
Area: 430000 sq-miles
Population: 30 million
Population density: 70 per sq-mile
Religion: The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods , Others
Countries: 8 countries, 7 of them reigned by human monarchs
Languages: Common, elvish, dwarvish, abyssal, undercommon
Largest Cities: [WIP]
Included Locations

Ancient Tales

16330 b BF 7409 b BF

Only a few pieces of information exist for that era. The sentient creatures living in Lusitania either didn't know or didn't want to document their history.

  • 16330 b BF

    Arrival of elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elves from Durarin sailed to the south, trying to hunt down the Death. They discover the continent of Lusitania and a few of them decide to settle there. Especially the woodelves felt very comfortable around the sentient creatures in Lusitania which live rather in the wilderness with a few exceptions.

  • 15100 b BF

    More elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    After defeating the Decay, the curiosity of some elves leads them to Lusitania too. The number of elves increases by a lot over the following years, especially on the continent's northern coast. However, they don't consider conquering land claimed by another race make effort to coexist with them.

  • 15000 b BF

    Civil action

    Over the years, the elves spread over the northern part of the continent. Although many sentient creatures don't look very advanced, the elves figure that all of them claim a certain kind of territory and interact with each other. Therefore, the elves bothered to integrate into the society of these creatures and made an important part of their technological and sociological rise, for example for the Lizardfolk, the Yuan-Ti, and the Tabaxi.

  • 7409 b BF

    Invasion of the Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The humans arrive in Lusitania and settle there. Opposite to the elves, the humans do not look for peaceful coexistence and rather try to claim as much land as possible to prepare for the invasion and arrival of more humans.


7409 b BF 4386 b BF

The humans arrive in Lusitania and colonize the continent by force.

  • 7409 b BF

    Invasion of the Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The humans arrive in Lusitania and settle there. Opposite to the elves, the humans do not look for peaceful coexistence and rather try to claim as much land as possible to prepare for the invasion and arrival of more humans.

  • 7408 b BF

    7403 b BF

    A quick start
    Military action

    The human armies make quick progress and conquer the southwestern part of Lusitania within a few years. They stop at the river Rodin and send scouts and negotiators to plan further ahead. It turns out that certain areas might be hard to conquest, for example, the eastern part of the continent because of the mountain ranges and the swamp acting as natural defenses.

  • 7408 b BF

    7254 b BF

    Conquest of Lusitania
    Military action

    Armies of the Human Empire start swarming the continent and start a coordinated conquest. Some creatures resist and fight the overwhelming forces but most of them simply surrender due to the hopeless situation. Either way, the Human Empire eventually submits most people of the continent and claims their lands with more or less trouble.

  • 7405 b BF

    The Drow's naval blockade
    Military action

    Since the Drow were defeated by a naval maneuver of the elves, they put up a large navy between Lusitania and eastern Durarin, allowing no one to pass. On one hand, the Empire might have been able to force its way through, but it couldn't afford to make another enemy, especially now, while conquering Lusitania. Therefore, the only way to reach the northeastern part of Lusitania was to overcome the mountain range.

  • 7400 b BF

    7339 b BF

    Invading the core

    The Empire focuses on attacking and conquering the center of the continent. Which was expected to be dealt with quickly, turned out to be much harder. The Empire has trouble invading the forests of the continent. The foreigners, namely Tabaxi, Lizardfolk, and Woodelves use their natural habitat to their advantage and can stand their ground or sometimes even achieve small victories over the invaders. This leads to massive deforestation and species extinction. Eventually, due to their superiority in numbers and technology, the Human Empire conquers the center of Lusitania.

  • 7386 b BF

    Discovery of gold and other mineral ressources
    Geological / environmental event

    To support the construction of the city walls, the humans start mining the mountain range in the north. To their luck, they discover larger deposits of iron too. This motivated miners and geologists to investigate these mountain ranges further. That way, the humans discovered huge deposits of silver, gold, and other mineral resources. This immediately leads to a swing of decisions. Initially, the humans considered the conquest of the northeastern part as economically worthless, but after finding these resources, they used a large part of their army to conquer the mountains and the lands beyond it afterward.

  • 7386 b BF

    7383 b BF

    Conquering the north
    Military action

    Although the Empire uses a major part of its armies to conquer the northeastern part of the continent, the mountain range act as a natural shield, and all attempts for a naval invasion are shut down by the Drow's navy. The Empire needed three years to overcome it. The flatlands behind the mountain range was simple to conquer.

  • 7360 b BF

    Unhandy streams
    Discovery, Exploration

    The scouts of the humans reported a large desert extending from the western to the eastern coast. Beyond this inconvenient region lies a large mountain range, which was unable for the scouts to reach. Any attempt to cross the desert resulted in exhaustion or even death before the challengers were able to reach the end of it. The Empire, therefore, tried to sail around the western coast and circumnavigate the continent. But in the south, the sailors discovered very unfavorable streams in the water, driving their ships northward. These streams seemed like a primal force of nature, not even able to be calmed by the Empire's most powerful wizards. Therefore, the mountain range in the south was considered the border of the continent for a very long time.

  • 7338 b BF

    Diplomatic action

    Looking to the east of Lusitania, the humans realize the very unfavorable terrain. Considering how much trouble they had with conquering the jungle, the Empire rather decides to negotiate with the foreigners. The swamp is inhabited by the Yuan-Ti and the negotiations don't go as expected at all. In opposite, due to the manipulation of the Yuan-Ti, a division of the Empire's army is lured into the swamp and is destroyed. The Empire reacts immediately. Attacking the swampland now was mandatory to restore the honor and power of the Empire, resulting in a exhausting war with the Yuan-Ti.

  • 7337 b BF

    7254 b BF

    Defeating the Yuan-Ti
    Military action

    The war between the Empire and the Yuan-Ti is long and slow. The Empire can make only slow progress not aware of all the unknown dangers lingering in the swampland. Additionally, the ability to manipulate makes the Yuan-Ti unpredictable. Many other sentient creatures who fled from the army of the Empire found refuge in the swampland and helps the Yuan-Ti to fight the invaders. After all, the Empire achieves a costly victory and conquers the swampland. The Yuan-Ti submit to the humans like all other races but are allowed to stay there and help the humans rebuild the destroyed land.

  • 7329 b BF

    7327 b BF

    The green typhus
    Plague / Epidemic

    After invading the swamp, many soldiers of the human armies infect with a highly contagious disease, the so-called green typhus. At first, humans think they are just not used to the high, wet climate and don't bother too much with fever-like symptoms. However, after about three weeks of infection, green stains appear on the skin of the infected, and after a bit of research, scientists and doctors confirm the disease. Since the disease wasn't discovered right at the first infections, it had enough time to spread over many other soldiers. On top of that, many soldiers die from the infection because the right medical treatment isn't known. This plague literally incapacitated the army of the Empire for about two years.

  • 7253 b BF

    The colonies of the Empire
    Political event

    After conquering the swampland, the Empire reaches its goal of claiming the whole continent (or at least everything north of the desert). The desert doesn't interest the humans. It wasn't suited for agriculture or had any economical value. Therefore the Empire doesn't bother with continuing the conquest. Instead, the continent is divided into 5 different regions: the north, the core, the swamp in the east, the western coastline, and the great desert in the south. This method helps the Empire to structure the former uncivilized continent. All regions (except the dessert) are made into a colony of the Empire, which means the regions are controlled and administrated by the Empire and have no political sovereignty.

  • 7250 b BF

    The Flag of of the colonies
    Political event

    In 7250 b. BF, the Empire decides to create a flag for the colonies or to be more precise for the whole continent. It shows the pattern of the Empire in the top left corner, symbolizing the Empire's right of ownership over the continent. The blue color stands for the sea surrounding the continent and the five stars represent the five different regions the continent has been divided into.

  • 7245 b BF

    The humanization of Lusitania
    Population Migration / Travel

    The colonies turn out to be very versatile. They don't just bear insane amounts of resources, the land is also very suitable to settle, despite the different climate compared to Ephea. Since the humans started to overpopulated in Ephea, they start to move to Lusitania, settling the colonies and therefore "creating" the so-called Lusitanians. These migrants bring their culture, religion, and other traditions with them, which led to the so-called humanization of Lusitania. The Empire is pleased to see this migration and even supports that, strengthening its influence in the colonies that way even further.

  • 7144 b BF

    Discovery of Rondrarien
    Discovery, Exploration

    In 7144 b. BF, Captain Jean-Luc Delaunay accomplishes something never done before. He and his crew manage to avoid the unhandy streams of the ocean and sails around the southern coast of Lusitania. If that happened with luck or skill is a very controversial issue. However, that way he discovers the land behind the southern mountain ranges. The Empire sees it as a sign of Rondra, interpreting this land as the holy land of the gods and therefore call it Rondrarien. It was quickly captured and integrated into the colonial system of the Empire.

  • 6913 b BF

    Smaller riots and disagreements
    Political event

    Obviously, many foreigners did not accept the domination of the Empire. However, since most riots and rebellions were brutally beaten down by the stationed forces of the Empire, no one really dared to fight. But in 6913 b. BF such a riot does not rise from the common people, but rather from the administrators of the western coastline colony. Although these people don't claim any foreign political power, they feel neglected because of the small size of their colony compared to the others. Of course, this disagreement with the Empire doesn't lead to anything big. However, later it will become very important.

  • 6900 b BF

    Rise of Südland
    Civil action

    Opposite to the Empire's belief, the desert is uninhabited it was home to probably the most powerful creatures in Lusitania. Historical documents report the existence of djinns and other ancient mystical creatures. Furthermore, those who didn't accept the dominion of the Empire fled either over the ocean or to the south. This included some humans as well, namely those from the western coast colony. It turns out, that the desert holds many mineral resources, gold, gems, and many more. However, the climate was almost unbearable but since humans are known for their strong determination, a few of them manage to put up some small villages and shelters around oases in the desert. Although the living conditions of these people are quite pitiful, their wealth reaches an unimaginable value, eventually resulting in a country rising in the south, so-called Südland (engl. Southland). Südland is the very first country of Lusitania and despite the earlier disagreements with the Empire, it stands loyal to it.

  • 6432 b BF

    13 Rondra

    The great decimation
    Political event

    Emperor Azur arranges the great decimation all over the Great Human Empire to ensure peace and loyalty. Lusitania is hit pretty badly, although most casualties are on the side of non-humans and foreigners. However, with that Azur achieves exactly what he wanted. The riots die down and the human governors stay loyal to the Empire.

  • 4386 b BF

    The eight countries of Lusitania
    Era beginning/end

    After removing emperor Julian from the throne, a few noblemen try to take over the leadership of the Great Empire in form of an aristocracy. Although this government only hold for about a year, these noblemen pass a resolution of restructuring Lusitania. Over time, it became too hard to administrate the colonies and therefore the 5 colonies were reformed into eight different countries: Oberland, Rauland, Middenland, Mootland, Unterland, Brackland, Südland, and Rondrarien. Those countries were more or less sovereign or at least were allowed to make political decisions on their own. However, they remain a part of the Empire.

The modern age

4386 b BF and beyond

After reshaping the colonies into eight more or less sovereign countries, Lusitania enters a new age of wonders. Because of the wide diversion within different countries, this era is characterized by very dynamic political events.

  • 4386 b BF

    The eight countries of Lusitania
    Era beginning/end

    After removing emperor Julian from the throne, a few noblemen try to take over the leadership of the Great Empire in form of an aristocracy. Although this government only hold for about a year, these noblemen pass a resolution of restructuring Lusitania. Over time, it became too hard to administrate the colonies and therefore the 5 colonies were reformed into eight different countries: Oberland, Rauland, Middenland, Mootland, Unterland, Brackland, Südland, and Rondrarien. Those countries were more or less sovereign or at least were allowed to make political decisions on their own. However, they remain a part of the Empire.

  • 4385 b BF

    Governments, Integration, Military
    Political event

    All eight countries adapt the classical monarchy from Lionstone with similar rules about inheriting the throne right. Every country put up its own ruler, a relative of the royal family in Lionstone. After setting up the new government, many countries put up new laws, now that they have political freedom. Over the years, the civilization of humans and foreigners merged, and therefore all eight kings pass a resolution of integration and coexistence. Those, who didn't end up in slavery are now considered a citizen of the Great Human Empire. However, the gap between humans and non-humans is still very large. Often humans are privileged for higher, meaningful jobs. But with that integration resolution, all eight countries manage to unite the people and set the starting point of the end of oppression, yet slavery was still an important part of the Empire.
    Additionally,  six of eight countries open their countries' borders, letting all citizens freely choose their country. Many forcibly relocated foreigners can return to their homes. Only Südland and Rondrarien keep the borders closed. Both countries want to prevent a flood of civilians from overwhelming their countries. Südland is worried about them stealing resources, while Rondrarien argues with conserving their strict traditions and culture, afraid of other people polluting the holy land.
    Although the army of the Empire is as before plenty enough to protect Lusitania, all eight countries put up their own military. It is clear, that these soldiers will be used for conflicts among the different countries themselves, instead of joining the Empire's army. The Empire, however, approves that manner under one condition. In case of an emergency, these soldiers could come in handy as a backup. Although these soldiers are bound to serve just one country, the Empire is allowed to relocate these soldiers if they are needed for the conquest of the Great Empire.

  • 4351 b BF

    16 Melandru
    4343 b BF

    29 Ker

    The first lusitanian war
    Military action

    The tension between the new countries is meant to erupt in a rough war. Over eight years the countries Unterland and Brackland fight more or less as allies against Middenland with the goal to shrink the area of the country and expand themselves.

  • 4350 b BF

    4345 b BF

    Early aggressions
    Military action

    Despite all restructuring, it wasn't possible to negate all the worries of the people. Some old lingering disagreements rise up in the heads of the monarchs again. Especially in Unterland and Brackland, the people don't accept, that Middenland was assigned with almost ten times as much territory. Both countries accept a joint war against Middenland. In times of the 5 colonies, Middenland made up the central colony of Lusitania. It had almost no access to the sea and therefore was protected by the neighboring colonies from naval invasions. The only soldiers put up in Middenland served the purpose of controlling the slaves, workers, and people, while in the western coastline colony many soldiers were stationed to protect the coast. Therefore, Middenland doesn't have a lot of military experience and due to its large size, it was impossible to defend the attacks from Unterland and Brackland. Unterland oversteps River Clérisseau and quickly expands, claiming more land of Middenland, while Brackland manages to slowly conquer the highlands of Middenland.

  • 4345 b BF

    4343 b BF

    Middenland stabilizes
    Military action

    After six years, Middenland finally manages to stabilize and defend its borders. Additionally, it achieves small victories in the northern part of Unterland and conquers a small part of the country. In the east, it has to surrender the highlands to Brackland but can defend the flatlands bordering to it.

  • 4343 b BF

    29 Ker

    Diplomatic action

    After eight years of war, Middenland offers peace to Unter- and Brackland. The latter agrees without bigger conditions. They conquered the highlands and therefore won a good amount of resources and territory. Unterland, however, demands repair costs for the damage dealt to the army and territory. Additionally, Middenland has to return the conquered territory of the coast to Unterland.

  • 4342 b BF

    A temporarily alliance
    Diplomatic action

    Before the war, Unterland and Brackland weren't able to coordinate well with each other. However, the results of the war were outstanding for both of them, and so they agree on a military alliance. It is the first alliance of Lusitania, which will turn out more or less useful later on.

  • 4341 b BF

    The church of the sun
    Religious event

    After recovering Rondra's journals, the Church of the Sun leaves Lionstone, afraid about further raids and robberies. The seat of the church moves to Rondrarien, the so-called holy land of Rondra. With that, the influence of the pantheon of the Twelve-Gods rises exponentially in Lusitania and especially Rondrarien.

  • 4327 b BF

    4325 b BF

    The war of greed
    Military action

    Blinded by the overwhelming wealth of the sultans and noblemen of Südland, Unterland mobilizes its army, sending it to the southern lands, and declares war on Südland. The military strength of the desert kingdom was very small, disabling them from protecting all the territory. Unterland conquers the northern parts of the desert but doesn't know what to do with it. The resource mines of Südland lay far more centered in the desert and it was obvious, that the soldiers of Unterland would have trouble going further. Additionally, the small forces of Südland engage in guerilla-like warfare, using the territory and climate to their advantage.
    On the other side, due to the military alliance, Brackland is dragged into the conflict as well. At first, the country holds back its forces, waiting for Südland to reposition its soldiers to the west, defending against Unterland. After doing so, Brackland attacks and slowly makes progress, capturing a good part of the eastern desert and is able to hold it with almost no casualties.

  • 4326 b BF

    The Central Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    Seeing Unterland and Brackland attacking Südland, Middenland decides to offer the desert kingdom a military alliance. Middenland's motivations are clear: Since it was attacked by Unterland and Brackland earlier too, it wants to help out against an old enemy. Additionally, an alliance with the richest country of Lusitania sounded powerful to Middenland. As expected, Südland disagrees with the usual alliance and stays true to nothing but itself. Even now, in case of war, it rather wants to stay independent from anyone. Middenland is forced to adjust the treaty, offering a defensive alliance, which Südland eventually agrees on. Middenland sends a few soldiers to Südland, which help to slow down the invading armies in the west and east. With that Middenland manages to make a contract between the largest and richest country of Lusitania, the so-called "Central Alliance of Lusitania".

  • 4325 b BF

    3 Rondra

    The power of gold
    Financial Event

    After two years of war, Südland is forced to pull their trump card. It spends almost 80% of the kingdom's total gold to buy soldiers from the enemies' military. Südland corrupts and buys almost half of Unterland's military, resulting in a slaughter in the military camps in the so-called 'blood gold night'. Unterland is forced to retreat, heavyly weakened by that action. On the other side, Südland spends just enough money to buy just enough soldiers from Brackland to defend the eastern invaders. Brackland, however, did not retreat and rather was able to hold and defend the captured desert territory, the military weakened nonetheless.

  • 4324 b BF

    The alliance breaks
    Diplomatic action

    After Unterland's decisive defeat against its own army, it looks to the east. Seeing its partner being weakened but somehow victorious, the king of Unterland breaks the alliance between his country and Brackland. Since that point, Brackland is seen as a country of traitors and enemies to people from Unterland.

  • 4302 b BF

    Naval arms race
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Oberland, which so far stayed out of all the lusitanian conflicts, motivates Unterland to rebuild and rise by announcing a naval arms race. The king of Oberland shows off their naval superiority by blockading major important supply routes of the dragonborn in Tiakis. Unterland, not backing down from any competition participates, using the many harbors of its coastline to construct a powerful navy. Since that point, Oberland and Unterland have this kind of rivalry on the sea with each other.

  • 4265 b BF

    The intrigue of the swamp
    Criminal Activity

    Out of all countries, the Mootland probably struggled the most to get everything going. The terrain was unattractive for humans, just like the general climate, the jungle and swamp untamable and full of dangers. However, over time the humans adapted more or less to these circumstances. The Yuan-Ti turned out to be surprisingly cooperative. But after all, all that help was just part of a big intrigue, planned from the very first point when the Mootland became more or less independent. In 4265 b. BF, a group of Yuan-Ti purebloods invades the Brackland to assassinate an important group of leading noblemen. The murderers were identified and obviously, the Mootland was blamed for that assassination, resulting in Brackland declaring war on it. The King of the Mootland panics, and once again Zhetlus, an influential Yuan-Ti acting as the king's advisors calm him down and tell him what to do. Zhetlus tells the king, that the swamp is perfectly suited to slow down the army of the invaders and asks for permission to put up an elite unit consisting of Yuan-Ti and lizardfolk, which could use its home territory to their advantage against Brackland. The king agrees and saves the Mootland with that decision. On the other hand, Zhetlus reaches his own goal, his influence on the king rising even further. It is the first step of an unnoticed king's fall.

  • 4264 b BF

    Contracts between Middenland and Brackland
    Diplomatic action

    As Brackland's army arrives in the swamps of Mootland, once again the green typhus infects the soldiers. This time Brackland is prepared, however, it lacks the financial resources to fight the plague entirely. At first, Brackland tries to negotiate with Südland, but as expected, the sultan neglects the contracts even though Brackland offers to return the captured desert territory. Instead, Middenland offers their help. Over the last years, the alliance between Südland and Middenland helped them to quickly prosper and rise. Middenland offers financial support and soldiers if Brackland returns the captured highlands.

  • 4258 b BF

    Zhetlus' triumph
    Era beginning/end

    Zhetlus turns out to be a true master of manipulation as many Yuan-Ti are. Over the years his influence keeps rising more and more. With clever disguises, Zhetlus manages to unite the Yuan-Ti and lizardfolk living in the Mootland and instigates them to cause chaos and mayhem among the people. He uses Yuan-Ti purebloods for his criminal activities, which are easily mistaken with actual humans. Once again, he promises the king to take care of these criminals, and the king, therefore, allows him to put up a personal task force. Waiting for the right timing, Zhetlus executes a coup and overthrows the king in 4258 b. BF. Concerned about the Great Empire intervening, he doesn't kill the king but rather uses him as his marionette seemingly ruling the country.

  • 4195 b BF

    Breaching the Drow's navy
    Military action

    For the first time, the navy of Oberland manages to push back the blockade of the Drow and therefore frees the harbors of the bordering country Rauland. Rauland thanks Oberland and allows them to mine their mountain range for minerals. Despite this rather aggressive maneuver of Oberland, the Drow don't take revenge on them, being way too busy with their war against the elves.

  • 4134 b BF

    Escaping the swamp
    Population Migration / Travel

    The dynasty of Zhetlus in the Mootland leads to multiple things. The non-human creatures, especially lizardfolk and Yuan-Ti are finally treated equally with humans. But over the years, this intensifies even further. The entire Mootland returns to a more primal life, making it uncomfortable to live in for many humans, resulting in a large migration of humans from the Mootland towards either Brackland or Rauland.

  • 4057 b BF

    4007 b BF

    Call to arms
    Political event

    After discovering the Undead in the south, the emperor of the Great Empire and the leaders of the church of the sun, claim about one-third of the military forces in Lusitania, including big parts of the navy of Oberland, Unterland, and Rondrarien. Most of the soldiers are pulled from Middenland, Rondrarien, Unterland, and Brackland. The number of available soldiers of the imperial army wasn't a problem, but much more the long distance between Ephea and the southern Islands of the Undead. The continent of Lusitania was perfectly suited to deal with this emergency. The countries are obliged to support the Empire with soldiers for about 50 years before Ephea manages to put up enough forces arriving in the southern islands. However, especially the soldiers of Rondrarien and the navy of Oberland keep supporting the forces of the Empire even after 50 years, just like many other soldiers.

  • 3872 b BF

    3849 b BF

    The second lusitanian war
    Military action

    Middenland takes the opportunity to attack Unterland. A big part of Unterland's army is still involved in the war against the dragon despite the 50-year service being already over. Middenland conquers parts of the northern coastline of Unterland and keeps expanding. Unterland looks for allies, but Brackland denies help and rather stays neutral with Middenland because of former cooperation. Although the army of Unterland was known as one of the most powerful forces in Lusitania, Middenland takes advantage of the alliance with Südland and therefore can put almost four times as many soldiers as Unterland. The alliance between Südland and Middenland, however, breaks due to this considerable abuse. Middenland slowly conquers some land of Unterland and pushes it back to the river Clérisseau and even beyond.

  • 3849 b BF

    10 Fjorm

    The Empire steps in
    Diplomatic action

    Unterland stands on the edge of being completely conquered by Middenland. the army and resources are just plenty enough to hold ground for maybe a few more years. But this conflict didn't stay just in Lusitania. The Empire learns about the situation and realizes the emergency of one of the countries of the Empire. Since an intervention from Lionstone could've led to a break of the Empire, the king instead convinces the rulers of the other countries, especially Rondrarien, Oberland, and Südland to threaten Middenland with war and sanctions if they dared to conquer a country of the Empire. After some negotiations, Middenland and Unterland agree on a peace treaty. Middenland returns the conquered regions to Unterland, which have to pay a high monthly tax to Middenland on the other hand.

  • 3522 b BF

    Scientific achievement

    Many inventions can be traced backed to scientists from Brackland. In 3522 b. BF an old forgotten method becomes popular again. Alchemy and potion brewing turns out to be trendy again and many wizards and scientists dig into that business. The impulse comes once more from Brackland, probably the most advanced and progressive country of Lusitania. Alchemists start to achieve outstanding results, making the trend quickly spread all over Lusitania and even to other continents.

  • 3478 b BF

    3458 b BF

    Oberland joins the holy expedition

    The Great Empire announces the tenth and eleventh holy expedition. Oberland joins the tenth, assisting the Empire with its navy heading to the east exploring the lands outside of the New World beyond the great sea.

  • 3340 b BF

    The slithering snake
    Diplomatic action

    After fully restructuring the Mootland, the Yuan-Ti send diplomats to the west, looking for more easy targets to corrupt and influence. Rauland distances itself from these diplomats and Mootland. Over the years, the king of Rauland already made assumptions of the Yuan-Ti influencing the government. Brackland on the other hand falls for the charms and promises of Mootland and eventually even agrees on some kind of a loose alliance.

  • 3113 b BF

    The trader's alliance
    Financial Event

    Blinded by the wealth of Südland, the Trader's Alliance sends envoys to the desert, negotiations, trying to argue out a symbiotic confederation. At first, Südland is very distrustful, well aware of the financial power of the Trader's Alliance. But eventually, they figure out a contract benefiting and strengthening both parties immensely. Südland allows the Trader's Alliance to relocate its operational base to the desert. That way, the wealth of the country drastically increases, and on the other hand, the Trader's Alliance is free to settle to a very low tax rate. Additionally, the Trader's Alliance agrees on increasing the influence of Südland in the countries of Lusitania and Ephea.

  • 2934 b BF

    2922 b BF

    Tax war
    Military action

    After enduring the monthly payment of taxes to Middenland for almost a thousand years, Unterland finally decides to break these chains and declares war on Middenland once more. At first, Unterland fights without allies, but after a few months of negotiations with Brackland, they can finally convince them to harass Middenland with their advanced military technology. Instead of conquering territory of Middenland, Unterland focuses on plundering and causing mayhem in the villages and cities of Middenland. Eventually, Middenland has to accept its defeat, unable to defend against attacks from two sides once again without any allies. The king of Middenland has to relieve Unterland from the taxes and additionally marries his daughter to the prince of Unterland, ensuring peace for long.

  • 2795 b BF

    The snake keeps slithering
    Diplomatic action

    Mootland doubles its efforts to gain any kind of influence on other countries with different results. Rondrarien reacts very drastically and declares a formal enmity between them and Mootland, not falling for the sweet promises of the Yuan-Ti. Südland, by now being probably the most influential country in Lusitania, simply shakes off the offers of Mootland without any bigger results. Unterland seems intrigued, however, the high distance between the countries makes it almost impossible to achieve any cooperation. Only Middenland is influenced by the Yuan-Ti and agrees on a non-aggression pact. Although the pact has very low relevance in the history of Lusitania it strengthened especially the Mootland, now knowing that all neighbours except Rauland won't suddenly attack it.

  • 2005 b BF

    Undivided and United

    After the elvish revolution, the Great Human Empire is weakened significantly, losing territory in Durarin, Ephea, and Tiakis. In Lusitania, however, the countries once more prove their loyalty. The military of the countries controls the streets, not allowing any riots or rebellions to rise. Additionally, all countries agree on founding a council, the so-called 'Council of the united countries of Lusitania' (COUCOL). This council enables all countries to quickly discuss foreign political issues or react to emergencies like loyalty problems.

  • 1489 b BF

    Declaration of the kingdom of Yuan-Ti
    Political event

    Despite the COUCUL, the Yuan-Ti from Mootland eventually make their dominion official and declare Mootland to be a swamp kingdom of the Yuan-Ti and lizardfolk. However, they ensure to stay as a part of the Empire and the united Lusitania.

  • 642 b BF

    Attack on Rauland
    Military action

    Due to population problems, the Drow from Durarin attack Rauland. Rauland is known to be very aware, but with a lack of a strong military. Asking for help, Oberland declines. Their navy was not available and is currently needed for the final charge against the Elderdragon Undead. Rather upset about that denial, Rauland cancels Oberland's mining rights in their mountain range. Only Middenland replies and sends armies to protect the coasts from the Drow. In exchange, the privilege of mining the mountain range of Rauland goes to Middenland.