Middenland Organization in Alendia | World Anvil


Middenland is one of the eight countries of Lusitania. It lies in the center of the continent. Middenland is the largest country of Lusitania and because of its position often the center of attention  


Middenland lies in the center of Lusitania, to be precise the northern half of the center. River Bozonnet and the mountain range of Rauland are the northern borders of the country. The highlands in the east and the swamp of Mootland define the eastern borders. The southern borders aren't well defined, sinceUnterland and Middenland are involved in an ongoing conflict, resulting in a very dynamic shift of that border. Middenland measures about 91500 square miles and therefore is the biggest country of Lusitania. Its capital Prata is one of the biggest cities on the continent and lies in the center of the country.  


Middenland straddles in between a hot subtropical and a tropical climate. Because of its geographical position, the climate in the eastern part of the country is very dry, yet plenty enough to allow agriculture of dry-loving grain. The temperatures reach from about 13°C in the winter to 35°C peaks in summers.  


In the western regions of Middenland, one can find woods and jungles, while the eastern part has rather steppe-like vegetation.  


For now, there is no Timeline, especially for Middenland. Instead, you can check out the History of Lusitania for more information.


Middenland initially was the central colony of Lusitania. Because of its position and outstanding area, it was often involved in a war with neighboring countries. From 4351 b. BF to 4343 b. BF, it fights against Unterland and Brackland, losing big parts of its territory (almost about half of it). In 4326 b. BF, it allies with Südland, supporting it against invaders from Unterland and Brackland. A similar alliance with Brackland is made in 4264 b. BF, helping it in the war against Mootland financially. Middenland always stayed very loyal toLionstone and The Human Empire. In 4057 b. BF, a big part of the army of Middenland is called to support the Empire in its fight against an Elderdragon for 50 years. In 3827 b. BF, Middenland attacks Unterland intending to reconquer its territory. After reaching its goal, Middenland goes even further, threatening to conquer or annex Unterland entirely. But due to a diplomatic action from the Empire, Middenland is prevented by the other countries to do so. Instead, it returns the territory but claims a monthly tax from Unterland. In 2934 b. BF, Unterland engages in war with Middenland because of these taxes. Middenland eventually accepts its defeat and withdraws the tax contract. To ensure peace, a marriage between the children of the rulers of both countries is arranged, which turns into a very popular thing to do. In 642 b. BF, Middenland helps Rauland against an invasion of the Drow. In return, they are allowed to mine the mountain range of Rauland. Nowadays, the diplomatic relation between Middenland and Unterland and Brackland is very unstable.  



The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods is the dominating religion in Middenland. However, Middenland is home to many non-human creatures, which are perfectly integrated into society due to its large size. Some of these creatures might have additional beliefs, for example, a version of Nature Spirits or just nature itself.  


The people from Middenland are loyal to the king of Lionstone. However, due to the mixture of different races and cultures, you can not describe them as very conservative. On the one hand, people might feel very safe because of the sheer power of the country and its broad network of allies. On the other hand, especially people on the southern border are afraid of sudden aggressions coming from Unterland.  



Middenland is a classical monarchy, reigned by one ruler, a distinct relative, and heir of Rondra. An elaborated governmental system aids the king in ruling the country. In essence, Middenland tries to mimic the government of Lionstone as well as possible but is not afraid to add their personal notes to it and evolves it constantly.  

Foreign policy

Middenland has many allies, but also potential enemies. While Rauland and Oberland in the north are considered allies, relying on mutual support, Unterland and Brackland are a potential risk and enemy for Middenland, especially historically speaking. However, Middenland is known for loving diplomacy. For details look up the policy thread on the right side of this article.
The flag of Middenland shows a golden crown on a red-white chiseled background. Obviously, the background represents the colors of the Human Empire. The crown symbolizes Middenlands superiority and wealth, while the lettering expresses the piety to Rondra and the Twelve-Gods.


Membership: The Human Empire 
Region: Central Lusitania
Capital: Prata
Area: 91500 sq-miles
Aliases: The King's Country


Government: Classical Monarchy
Races: WIP
Religion: The Pantheon of the Twelve-Gods, Nature spirits
Population: 10.000.000
Geopolitical, Country

Alliance, loyal part of the Human Empire

Middenland has an outstanding meaning to the Human Empire. It contributes a big part to the economy and army but also plays an important role in terms of diplomacy.


Middenland allied with Rauland in 642 b. BF after helping them to defend an invasion of the Drow. In exchange, Rauland allows Middenland to mine the mountain range. Middenland is Rauland's only ally in Lusitania.

Mutual support

Oberland and Middenland don't have an alliance but support each other economically and financially.

Non-aggression pact

Middenland and Mootland have a non-aggression pact. However, Middenland is very warily about the Yuan-Ti and does not intend on allying with them. Mootland, however, tries to strengthen their bond.


Middenland and Brackland have a conflict about the borders going on once more. For now, the COUCOL prevents this conflict from turning into a war.


Despite the COUCOL, Unterland and Middenland have war. The aggression came from Unterland, competing for territory.

Character flag image: Flag of Middenland by Lucimon