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Gale Werewolf

Under the influence of the Elyria Moon, a gale werewolf's powers/abilities at least double in strength. It is believed that gale werewolves are the fastest out of all werewolves with a remarkable sense of smell. They are considered to be driven, intense, willful, intellectual, mystical, musical, and stubborn. More often than not, they may love wind sports like surfing, sailing, and flying kites. They love music and are likely to carry a tune, remember a song easily, and play an unusual wind instrument.
Unlike the other werewolves, gale werewolves almost always carry a tiny instrument on them. It's often a whistle around their necks or wrists that isn't made out of silver. It's silent to human ears but loud enough for werewolves. Blown long enough, it'll trigger their transformation and/or help channel some of their powers. Losing their whistle or any other tiny instrument they possess is essentially them losing control over their inner wolf. They are often encouraged to keep their human and wolf sides separate and secret but aren't obligated to do so.
Eye Color (s)
  • Brown
Hair Style(s)
  • Crazy
Fur Color(s)
  • Brown
Fur Style(s)
  • Spiky
  • Sleek


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