
To the North of Allansia lies the  Shining Plains, a vast savannah teeming with wild animals and seemingly endless grassland, and the native homeland to the proud and fierce race of lion-like humanoid Leonin. 


Leonin command attention wherever they go, their impressive forms standing out in crowds and their loud roars marking them on the battlefield. Although there is a good deal of variation in Leonin, all are larger and taller than humans. The colour of their fur and manes varies by bloodline and individual, ranging from creamy white to gold to grey. Like humans, their clothing varies greatly by environment, both in terms of practicality for weather but also dependent on the surrounding culture.

A proud race, Leonin tend to place a great deal of importance on tradition, ceremony, and maintaining appearances. Fortitude in the face of adversity is praised and admired, even if it comes at significant personal cost. For Leonin living in the traditional pride structure (more common in rural and wild areas than urban ones), the individual is a secondary concern, and the well-being of the pride is the primary consideration.

Culture & Society

The traditional social structure of leonin is built around the concept of the pride, which is often viewed as tribal by outsiders. It is, essentially, an extended family, composed of perhaps a dozen adult couples, their children, and a patriarch and matriarch that are typically the oldest of the group.

 The matriarch, or 'speaker', leads the pride and is responsible for all formal trade negotiation with outsiders, whilst the patriarch takes on the role of 'Elder' and is responsible for documenting and telling the stories of members of the pride.

A pride normally consists of between 50 and 100 leonin. Membership in a pride only changes via births, deaths, and marriages, with unrelated outsiders being accepted into the group only very rarely and usually under very unique circumstances. Female Leonin tend to stay within the prode that they were born into, whilst the males will wander and marry into other prides. 

Traditionally, prides are nomadic and do nearly everything as a unit—traveling, hunting, crafting, and trading together. Over time, these traditions have been held to less and less strictly, with many prides leaving behind the transient lifestyle to establish their own villages, or even join an existing one built by other races.

Leonin guard their territory fiercely, and non-Leonin usually get a cold reception however, given time, anyone can earn their trust. 

Once the cold reception has worn off, most Leonin are prideful, confident, and competitive. Leonins tend to love fighting in all its forms, from traditional sparring to arguments and debate. Leonins love any opportunity to prove themselves, and usually come out on top. That confidence, self-reliance, and pride is the core of Leonin culture and philosophy.

Leonin Naming Conventions

Each Leonin has a personal name followed by the name of their pride and usually includes the preposition “of the”. For example, a member of the Ironmane pride named Doxia would introduce herself as “Doxia of the Ironmane”.

Female Names: Aletha, Atagone, Demne, Doxia, Ecate, Eriz, Gragonde, Iadma, Koila, Oramne, Seza, Ziore

Male Names: Apto, Athoz, Baragon, Bryguz, Eremoz, Gorioz, Grexes, Oriz, Pyxathor, Teoz, Xemnon, Xior

Pride Names: Embereye, Flintclaw, Goldenfield, Ironmane, Starfeller, Sunguides

Notable Leonin 

  Pride Mother Koya of the Emberpaw 
Idex of the Silvervalley
Royal Leonin 
Wild Leonin 
Grey Leonin 
100 - 150 years
Average Height
5'10" - 7'0"
Average Weight
200lb - 330lb

Articles under Leonin