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The Battle of the False Mill

Political event

31/5 17:00
31/5 18:00

In the wake of the River Kings demise and Queen Gwendolyns accention to rule the party seeks out Lord Flax to put an end to him and his false claim for the Dayd Thicket.

The Circle of Six rush to track down Jenny Greenteeth and Lord Flax to put an end to the incoming attack on the Dayd Thicket. Moz uses her feywild tracking gifted to her from King Oberon to track Jenny to a river and Mill that looks very similar to Frodrieck the Millers place in the Dayd Thicket. It is worn moldy and overgrown with swampy plants and dirt. They do not see Jenny or Lord Flax in the haze of the myst.   Gilly decides to sneak up to the hut for a closer look. She is able to scale a near by tree and see a knightly figure on horseback waiting near the entrance to the false mill. Soon after he removes his helmet to reveal Lord Flax disguised as the Green Knight unmount his horse.   When the other members of the party sneak a bit closer to set up an ambush, Moz steps on a twig and alerts Lord Flax to their precence.   The swampy waters starts to bubble and boil and a large Ghostly Spectre appeares near the party. While the other members of the party deal with the secure and Battle earups Aela heads straight for Lord Flax by hurling a Fireball from her Necklace. In a fiery blaze Lord Flax falls dead. Soon after Jenny Greenteeth emerges from the water and absorbs his life force to summon another Spectre. Alcath uses the Horn of Valhala to summon a pack of Berzerkers to help with the fight.   The Marsh Hags Fury erupts with all the power she can muster throwing waves of water at the party. The horror of her precence stops most of the party in there tracks. Just fighting such a frightning creature starts to overcome the party. Immediatly Jenny uses Death Glare on Brerenax and he fall unconcious from fear. One by one the party struggles to stay in the fight when in a deperate plea Moz calls to Ian in the necklace hoping he will wake from his sleep to help the dying party. Ian then jumps from the necklace and sees his friends in mortal danger. Without hesitation Lightling errupts from his staff and strikes down Jenny in the Water. The Marsh Hag fizzles into foam dead in the water.   Soon after the party heals and The party goes to the Lochking Court. They are invited in and Queen Titania appears in a beacon of light to the adventureres. She tells them they have done more that she could have ever expected from six mortals. She has given Queen Gwendolyn her blessing. Queen Gwen then gives them all gifts of feather tokens and Aela a Good Luck Stone.   Queen Titania then asks the party where they would like to go back to. They request to be sent back to Ethios.   In an instant they find themselve back in the Material Plane. They ask a young boy passing by what day it is and find out that only 8 mins had passed from the time they left the Dayd Thicket into Thelanis the Feywild. It is still the 31 of Mayur 225. As they look at each other Alcath, Moz, Cais and Gilly realize Brerenax and Aela are not with them.

Related Location
Thelanis - The Feywild
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)