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The Dragons Redemption

The Dragon's Redemption, a seemingly nondescript vessel, belies the intricate craftsmanship and ingenuity woven into every plank and nail. Its timbers, hewn from the darkwood of the enchanted Elderwood Forest, are bathed in enchantments that render them impervious to fire and rot. The sails, sewn from the silken threads of the fabled Galarenthian spiders, are infused with the essence of air elementals, allowing them to harness the winds with an ease unseen on any other ship.   As The Dragon's Redemption cuts through the skies, it leaves a trail of swirling, shimmering motes in its wake – a testament to the ethereal power that courses through its very essence. The ship's armaments, though few in number, have been carefully chosen to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing their weight.   In this vessel, Bobushio and his surviving crew have found not just a means of escape, but also a symbol of hope and rebirth. The Dragon's Redemption represents the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to be defeated, and serves as a rallying point for all who would stand against the oppressive forces of Ukaru and his minions. As it plies the skies, its very presence serves as a reminder to all that, no matter how dark the night or how fierce the storm, there is always a chance for redemption, and the fight for freedom will never be truly extinguished.   Crew. A ship needs a crew of skilled hirelings to function. As per the Player's Handbook, one skilled hireling costs at least 2 gp per day. The minimum number of skilled hirelings needed to crew a ship depends on the type of vessel.   You can track the loyalty of individual crew members or the crew as a whole using the optional loyalty rules in chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. If at least half the crew becomes disloyal during a voyage, the crew turns hostile and stages a mutiny. If the ship is berthed, disloyal crew members leave the ship and never return.   Passengers. This indicates the number of Small and Medium passengers the ship can accommodate. Accommodations consist of shared hammocks in tight quarters. A ship outfitted with private accommodations can carry one-fifth as many passengers.   A passenger is usually expected to pay 5 sp per day for a hammock, but prices can vary from ship to ship. A small private cabin usually costs 2 gp per day.   Cargo. The maximum tonnage the ship can carry. Damage Threshold. If a ship has a Damage Threshold, it has immunity to all damage unless it takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than its damage threshold, in which case it takes damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn't reduce the ship's hit points. Ship Repair. Repairs to a damaged ship can be made while the vessel is berthed. Repairing 1 hit point of damage requires 1 day and costs 20 gp for materials and labor.  


A closer inspection of the ship would reveal a lattice of runes etched into the hull, glowing with a subtle, arcane luminescence. These runes, meticulously scribed by Bobushio and his crew of loyal pirates, serve to empower the ship's propulsion, enabling it to soar through the skies in defiance of gravity.   The heart of the Dragon's Redemption is its airship engine – a masterpiece of magical engineering, designed by some of the most brilliant minds within the Albion Alliance. At its core lies a massive lodestone, suspended within a matrix of eldritch energy that pulses with the rhythm of an ancient, forgotten song. This lodestone serves as a conduit for the elemental forces harnessed by the ship's sails, drawing them in and amplifying their power before channeling them into the engine itself. The result is a propulsion system that combines the might of the elements with the finesse of arcane artifice, granting the Dragon's Redemption unparalleled speed and maneuverability.

Weapons & Armament

A pair of enchanted ballistae, mounted upon the fore and aft decks, fire bolts imbued with the fury of an arcane storm. Each bolt, upon striking its target, unleashes a cacophony of elemental energies, tearing through wood and steel with equal ease.

Armor and defense

AC 13
HP 300
Damage Threshold 10
Owning Organization
8mph, 80ft per turn, 192 miles per day
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity

Articles under The Dragons Redemption


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