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Bobushio the Pirate King

Bobushio the Pirate King (a.k.a. Bobushio the Hero of Onigashima (Oni Island), Protector of Maiden's Honor and the King of the Pirate Seas, Heirloom)

Red Tiefling Leader of the OniKuru - Pirate Kings Empire. Has a large armada of a pirate nation of ships. Uses his power and influence to fund his true passion. The progression of technology and creating new inventions.   The King hired The Circle of Six to help him discover the myserious island of Nepttin. Together they discovered the city of Ecco and killed the false God known as Nerezza to free the island of his infuence and rule. Bobushio gifted The Six a ship found on the island known as Ellinore.   The Pirate King Bobushio made Gilly acting captain of Ellinore and gave her a earing so they could communicate with the ThreeS - The Pirate Informant Network.   Gilly asked Bobushio to look into the death of her Mother and Ivy Hill.   After the events of Nerezza on the Isle of Nepttin, Bobushio took his earnings to start of his true ambition and passion. to build a vehicle that could sail in the skys like the dragons of old. He set about completing his designs and though genius and determination he created a working prototype for his "Airship" design. He named it The Dragons Redemption. On its maiden voyage he decided to sail across the spine of the Brokenlands so he could gain access to both sides and the bounty of all they had to offer without the burocrecy and dealings of Drakenwall. All was well and the voyage was sucessful and encouraging for better more effiencent models. Bobushios drive for creation and discovery of new technologies was renewed. His dreams where becoming a reality.   After a few days travel returning back to Oni Island disaster stuck. On the horizion a army of mechanical men, ships and warriors awaited his return. Without warning or reserve the army attacked The Airship with a quick decision and a lot of luck he was able to steer the ship to a safe landing. The army continued to destroy all the ships and the City of Port Senshi. Franticly Bobushio reached out to his ThreeS - The Pirate Informant Network Protocol. He instucted the Madians Honor to be stored in a safe place and hidden from his attackers. Many ships were being attacked by the same army and reported complete loss. Word came it was the armies of Ukaru and Drakenwall were responisble for the attacks. Quickly afterward the ThreeS network went dark. Bobushio was seeing his lifes work crumble before his eyes. He retreated to a safe house for weeks devistated by the turn of events.   During that time he lost track of the days that passed. Dispare and anger took him into a darkness. How did he not see this coming? Had his own hubris and arrougance cost him everything he had worked for? Suddenly a new resolve started to shape and ideas for another design started establishing itself into his mind. He would create a way to protect all those around him. He scraped his weapons of disctuction and would created a armor that would protect Allenia. He started on his plans and soon created a suit of armor that could protect.   He then set out to discover what remained of the OniKuru Empire. Port Senshi and Cape Kaizoku had been destroyed and there infurstucture completely desimated. After some time he found reminants of some of his crew. Many had deserted the cause or joined up with rival pirate crews. He found a few select loyal crewmen and women that stayed true. Rosco Urnon, Doctor Tick, Carmela Norman and Svee Desh. Together they repaired what they could of The Dragons Redemption and sailed to find more allies. Bobushio knew he could only trust a single group The Circle of Six. He knew they could be trusted and could protect. After some time and after calling in too many favors he discovered the reminats of the group were in Lokenvale visiting the The Athenaeum. Soon he realized the enormaty of what he was asking of his friends. He realized he could not ask them for anything other than assylum.   Upon meeting up with the group he found that Brerenax and Aela were no longer with the group and a new member Thuniel Simbelmyne had also joined. They had renamed the group and now called themselves The Path of Nightshade. They agreed to travel together.   After Bobushio joined The Path of Nightshade he reliquished his captain seat for The Dragons Redemption to make Gilly Button acting Captian.   During the Moonbeam Arc Bobushio starts finding teifling refugees and providing them with aid as much as he can. He gives money to a family in Rockshire near the The Grinning Djinn. He later encounters Benedict Greatfellow captain of The Diamond Leviathan and gains him as a follower and ally in the cause of the pirate nation with cunninig tact.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
11 Septa
Dark with hints of Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
375 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Everything is a Gun"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Articles under Bobushio the Pirate King

Character Portrait image: by Nik English


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Oct 29, 2020 21:23

Bobushio the Hero of Onigashima (Oni Island), Protector of Maiden's Honor and the King of the Pirate Seas.