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First Voyage of the Ellinore

Population Migration / Travel


The Circle of Six leaves the Island of Nepptin in their newly gifted ship the Ellinore. They travel North toward Astrafell.   Alcath has a vision while sleeping in the crow's nest.

The Circle of Six leaves the Island of Nepptin in their newly gifted ship the Ellinore. They elect Gilly as the Captian of the Ship, Moz as First Mate, Aela as Quartermaster, Brerenax as Head Cook, Ian as Sous Chef. Estra as Bosun. Alcath as Lookout. They travel North toward Astrafell.   The party has fun sailing on the open sea. Estra uses mage hand to cut the ropes trapping Alcath in the crow's nest. Brerenax decides to climb the mast to help Alcath get down. Estra and Ian play pranks on Brerenax by casting Enlarge/Reduce to make him small and large as he tries to scale the mast of the ship. Ian also throws snowballs at them and when they fall down Estra casts Feather Fall.   Alcath has a vision of a group of Dragons battling many of the same from previous visions. A lone caped humanoid figure stands looking on the battlefield. A huge storm covers the battle and the aftermath reveals the battle at a standstill. Suddenly Alcath sees himself with an elderly messenger woman and she says "I have your response for you." When he wakes up alcath finds an envelope in his pocket that is empty and unused that looks like the same envelope from the dream.