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Gilly Button

Captain Gilandre Boulderhill (a.k.a. Gilly Button the Undead, Conrick Moshhair, Fingerling)

One of the members of The Circle of Six & later The Path of Nightshade.   When Gilly was younger she had a friend named Podrick Puddifoot who aspired to become Rockshire's best chef. Gilly’s favorite dish that he made was Colcannon, mashed potatoes with butter, herbs, and beef. Gilly has strong feelings for him. He was killed tragically in a magical explosion at the Revelry Jubilee in Rockshire. Gilly snuck into her father's office, overheard her parents fighting, and discovered her father was responsible for the attack. He was unrepentant if not happy Podrick died. Gilly was devastated. Later her mother came to her and convinced her she was not safe anymore in Rockshire. She sent Gilly to Lokenvale to hide from her Father.    Gilly lived at The Lokenvale Athenaeum for 3 years. During that time, she met Mozakosh. It was an instant connection as the only non-gnomes that stayed there. The Head Curator and Moz tried to teach simple, helpful magic, but Gilly aggressively refused each time. After much time/therapy Moz and Matriarch Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis were able to teach her one exception, of one school of magic. Healing. This is only used to help others. She had no interest in learning Scribing or any other type of magic.   A Changeling assassin named Frances tried to kill Gilly on 2 occasions. Once in Blightfen and a second time after he was let go and tried a second time on the way to the Black Fang Hills.   After the Dragon Slayer Arc Gilly was gifted a weapon made from a broken elven crossbow and repaired with orcish craftsmen with Hippogriff bones and spider webbing. Shura named it Curvy but there is elven scrolling on the side that reads "The Last Whisper"   During the Nerezza Arc - The party was gifted a ship named the Ellinore. Gilly was named Captian.   In the Feywild Gilly and Alcath decide to talk to Omurtha the Riverking's Hag Sister. She expresses interest in helping the party for a price. Alcath is offered passage for a portion of his power for a month. Gilly tries to take the offer, but the Hag looks at her and requests that she remove the magic protecting something deep within her. Gilly confused at what she is talking about agrees and the Hag touches her forehead and extracts crackling dark energy from her. Gilly feels uneasy and the party is led to the Great Rippling Hall.   While traveling through the Shadowfell searching for the Thessalhydra Gilly was met by The Proud Princess. She proclaimed Gilly had been "Bathed in the blood of The Demon Prince" Confused Gilly later spoke to Gilderoy about what that could mean. He told her it is used often to be able to locate people and other rituals. Only very strong and old magic could protect someone from it. Protection would require an equal sacrifice to be cast.   While in Ethios a trio of Bugbear Assassins attacked Gilly attempting to abduct her. The Circle was able to fend off the attempt. On to a single fallen attacker, she found a "Death Note" Contract. Where the parchment is a location tracker and will help anyone with a similar document find the location of the Halfling.   Worried about everything going on, Gilly finally contacted Matriarch Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis about the nature of her mother's death. Lysse replied that such things should be discussed in person. Gilly agreed to meet her in Quel. During the meeting, Matriach d'Silvis told Gilly her mother contacted her and they reached an agreement. The Athenaeum would take Gilly in but in the event, that Malora dies or there is a threat to the Library she would have to leave. When she found out her mother's body had been mutilated and that was the reason for a closed casket the threat was too great.   Gilly discovered that being "Bathed in the Blood of a Demon Prince" means she was part of some sort of ritual that would give someone either herself or another great power. Gilly told her of her encounter with the Hag and how the protection is gone temporarily. This troubled Lysse and she expressed concern that this may be how and why she has been a target. Many factors and players are bidding for power and it may be that numerous factions are trying to find her to get more information, gain "the Power" or take it from her or someone else. Some players may include Ivy Hill, Helms Ferry, The Storm Peak Clan at Sunrise Side, or even some other faction unknown.   The Matriarch then enquired about her Brother. This came as a shock to Gilly, she believed she was an only child. Written documents were found that revealed an older brother that had Reginard as the birth father. Only through the power of the Athenaeum did this sensitive info be revealed. It seems he is not a target.   Matriarch urged Gilly not to go to Rockshire and seek out her father for if people are looking for her it would be the first place someone would look to find her. For her safety, it would be in her best interest.   After meeting with Matriach d'Silvas the party was attacked by another group of bounty hunters. Tragically near the end of the battle, Gillys strength was sapped from her body and she died. She found herself briefly in a void between worlds. She heard unintelligible voices until the familiar voices of her friends came through the darkness. The Circle of Six sought aid from Matriarch d'Silvas and with the help of the party bring back Gilly from death. In the aftermath a steak of white hair slowly appeared.   Gilly then sought out Lysse asking if she had anymore information about what happened to her mother. Lysse instructed her to come to the The Lokenvale Athenaeum where she would give her a Letter from Malora her mother. Lysse was instructed to only give her the letter if Gilly came seeking information about it.   After Bobushio joined The Path of Nightshade he relinquished his captain seat for The Dragons Redemption to make Gilly acting Captain.   After reading Maloras Letter Gilly urgently sought out the information hiding in the Hiccup Tree. The Shades traveled to Rockshire and Gilly snuck onto The Ivy Hill Estate and found a second letter from her mother. Letter from Malora at Hiccup Tree. It told of the mistakes and realities of what Malora had suffered because of Gilly's Father and how she wished her to be free of this terrible power. Gilly's Father had made pacts with an otherworldly being called The Deep Father and over the course of time, it had changed him into a cannibalistic crazed madman. Malora had with the help of Vessels of the Nine put protection on Gilly and her Step Siblings to take Reginard's power from him and keep her safe from his rage.   With a new found hatred and resolve Gilly sought out her father in his private office. When she arrived she was attacked by demons and ghosts from another plane and Reginard through a portal grabbed her leg and took her blood. Exclaimed, "I have what I need." Befuddled by the exchange Gilly escaped the Estate and regrouped with The Shades and her "Uncle" Trigger who found her in the office and protected her from other members of Ivy Hill Louie HaHa being the worst of them all, who might want to do her harm. Trigger trying to protect Gilly tells her to run from this place and stop whatever Reginard is trying to do. Without her there he cannot succeed in the ascension of The Deep Father. He is then called in for a mission. Suspicious of the timing Gilly followed Trigger to a blacksmith shop on the edge of town called The Bulettes Chain. Where Louie HaHa had captured what was discovered to be Gillys Half Brother. All of Reginard's progeny would be required in sacrifice to complete the ascension of The Deep Father. Tragically Gilly was too late to save this half brother she never knew. Louie HaHa succeeds and taking him to the ritual spot and he is offered to The Deep Father.   With that the first phase of the ritual was complete and Rockshire began to quake and tremble. Gilly hears someone screaming in pain and fear. The building erupts in flames and a huge beam of energy shoots up into the sky. Other locations around the city, similar beams erupt. A huge fissure opens up in the sky above the city and the whole city begins quaking and screaming and is getting sucked up into the open maw of the sky. The sky is a red hazy smoke. The city ascends into the sky, then falls abruptly, destroying buildings and injuring thousands. The City has been transported to another plane. There are no stars, the new plane smells like battle. Citizens of Rockshire start taking to the streets and then soon escape into the buildings as, other creatures starting to horde into the city. Demons and devils swarm and start attacking and eating each other. Demons are fighting devils, angelic beings are fighting infernal creatures, and the whole population of the city becomes combatants in this battleground.   The Path of Nightshade finally back together amidst the chaos around them move into the Ivy Keep to see if they can find more about what is happing.   The find Reginards secret study deep under the Keep. Gilly finds a journal written by Reginard. Much of it was written during her lifetime. He talks about gaining power and using newfound power to help Ivy Hill grow. As time passes the writing gets more disjointed and crazier until nothing is intelligible and he’s completely mad. She notices the biggest change happens right around the time she left. The Deep Father (they) was pushing him to find Gilly. They discover that the obelisks are what tether the city to the plane of Shavarath. If an obelisk were destroyed, the city would return to the mortal plane.   Bobushio finds items and notes that have been hidden away. He uncovers the city that was brought here and what has to happen from here to make the ritual complete. In order for the city to ascend, there could only be one remaining heir and the others had to be sacrificed at the obelisks. The blood of the bastard children were used to awaken the obelisk. When all were consecrated with their blood the city was transported into Shavarath - The Battleground. The remaining heir (Gilly) will be used for the final phase of the plan. There must be good and bad, the Deep Father needs both of the hosts to be bathed in the blood of The Demon Prince. One must be pure of heart and the other a corrupted soul. The hosts both must be in Shavarath with the Deep Father, the ritual will be performed in the center point of the obelisks in the center of the city of Rockshire. To destroy an obelisk, the two types of blood of the demon prince is needed. They discover another hallway leading to a giant circular dome-shaped chamber. In the center with instrumentation littering the floor is Reginard Boulderhill. His appearance Half is grotesque and monstrous, and the other half is Reginard.   Upon seeing Gilly Reginard attempts to take her but after a heroic battle The Path of Nightshade defeats the onslaught of demons and Gilly sees her Father lying dying on the floor.   Reginard still coughing up blood clinging to life. A presence in the room says, “The Chosen Has Fallen. Will Anyone Take Up the Mantle?” The voices overlap. Louie HaHa appears in the room and says she will take the mantle because she loves Reginard and will finish his great plan. She reappears from invisibility, breaks a vial over her head, and disappears. Reginard then dies at the base of the altar. Energy pulsates all around the party, and all transported upward through the hole in the ceiling. Louie HaHa delighted by her newfound power starts reprimanding Gilly for ruining the life of her father and not cooperating. Distracted by her huberous Gilly takes the opportunity to place a well-placed bolt from her crossbow Curvy straight into the open mouth of Louie HaHa killing her instantly.   The battle continues on around the city all The Demon Lords are battered broken and on the verge of falling to be will be sent back to their realms to recuperate. The Deep Father is waiting until they are all sufficiently weakened that he can destroy them all. The towering entity of The Demogorgon also known as The Deep Father with scaly flesh and bristling fur defies belief. The sounds of battle finally die away, the ground before you stained black and red with demonic blood and ichor. In the terrible grip of Demogorgon, even the mighty Orcus looks almost small. The Prince of Demons throws back his two heads and roars his triumph. As he does, his nearer head turns, burning eyes raking across the battlefield. Filled with bloodlust and battle rage, the demon lord searches for the mortal who stops his ascension and ruins the ritual.   The Path of Nightshade leads the Demogorgon to The Pole in the center of Ivy Hill. They must attempt to gather the blood of the Demogorgon. Battling and fighting for their lives and the lives of those in Rockshire they slay the Demogorgon with a lot of luck and cunning sending him back to where he came from.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

DnD Beyond Level 3
Level 9
Gilly and Highwing
Date of Birth
13th of Marchette
Year of Birth
204 VE 21 Years old
Brown with a streak of White along the Front
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
46 lbs.
Aligned Organization

Articles under Gilly Button

Character Portrait image: by Nik English


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