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Visit to Lochkin Lake

Religious event

31/5 2:00

The Party is led into the Feywild and brought to The Lochkin Lake where Gwen visits with Aela to uncover more mysteries. Some of the others and a run-in with a group of Quiklings.

Aela is led to the home of Gwendolyn that was deep within the forests of the Feywild. They arrive at Lochkin Lake that is covered with trees with an archway of brambles and branches guarded by two fey guards. They welcome Aela and ask her to fly across the lake. The rest of the party is asked to stay at the entrance and they set up camp.   Aela is led to a beautiful lakeside villa built from white marble and beautiful plants and foliage covering the walls. Many perches and places for birds dot the building. Gwen is lounging with an entourage of beautiful Female Sidhe. She explains that there is great magic this is impeding her from giving all the information required. The nature of the spell is that only if she asks the right questions can she give the information away. After some time Aela asks if her friends can join then in the villa. Gwen agrees that only Moz and Gilly are allowed in the Lochkin Villa. Two attendants are sent to retrieve Gilly and Moz and they fly on the back of giant swans to be brought to the villa.   After a conversation, Aela learns much of the politics of the Feywild. That they must seek a exit from this realm, find Elassandra, and find out more about "The Green Knight" The man they fought at the Millpond is not entirely who he seems to be. They spend the night to set out into the morning. The ask if someone would be willing to venture with them into the Feywild and a blonde Elven woman volunteers. The same that brought Moz and Gilly over the Lake.   Alcath, Brerenax and Caia camp near the entrance. They try to get information from the guards but are met with distance and indifference. During that evening they are approached by a group of Fey Quicklings. The Quickling Captian exclaims “Foolish, stupid humans! I could tell you all the secrets of the Summer Lands. But you are not worthy.”   A fight proceeds with the Quicklings the party was able to impress the Captian and he was willing to share some information about the Feywild.   1. “Tatzel the Green is a mighty wyrm, the friend of fey and the bane of men. He knows the Summer Lands and the roads between realms. And he will find your bones here.” 2. “The Birch Queen’s Fair stands but two leagues away, full of weapons yet peaceful. What a pity you do not stand within the bounds of its hospitality.” 3. “The River King has nine sisters and no brothers and long has been a friend to men. Now mortals stir him to make war, and we answer the call to hunt mortal flesh. Starting with yours, of course.” 4. “You will meet the River King’s sisters at least once, perhaps twice. They can turn his mind from wrath to peaceful flowing, but their prices are set high: vision, song, and souls are their meat and drink.” 5. “Your mortal friends would do well to bow and speak quietly to Jenny Greenteeth, for she is a dangerous schemer.” 6. “I have a sister’s husband’s cousin’s friend, a child of hag and field, who knows the secrets of the incantation that will return you to the mortal world before the seasons turns again and again, and you are lost to the river of time. Let me depart and I will tell you his name.” (Rhorlief, at the Birch Queen’s Fair.)   As the fight concluded the Captian fled with the parting words of “You are not as foolish as most of your kind, but do not try such tricks at the River Court, where words flow faster than water from the hills!” They also learn where their treasure is hidden within the lighting-blasted hollow in the dire crow tree.