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Gwendolyn - The Summer Lady

The Lochkin Queen Gwendolyn , The Summer Lady

ArchFey Queen of The Lochkin Court and The Summer Lady. Ruler of the Summerlands   No mortal likely knows her true name. When in public goes by Gwen. She only takes on female followers. She uses swans or other waterfowl to spy for her. Her symbol is a white feather.   She has the power to polymorph into a Swan at will but also has wings like an angel if wanted in Humanoid form. Some of her followers also have the polymorph ability but some turn into Ducks, Swans, or other waterfowl.   She lives in the Feywild near a lake with a beautiful villa lakeside property. With white stone floors and pillars and feather-down pillows for furniture and decoration. It is only accessible by flying over a crystal clear lake that is surrounded by a wall of unpassable trees.   Gwen made an agreement with Aela that she still has not made known to the Paladin. Once Aela was able to get to the Feywild Gwen revealed that she had some strong magic preventing her from giving her all the information she wanted to. It also seemed that only if Aela asked her specific things could she remember or reveal information. There was another Entity playing with both of them and limiting their interaction. She has asked Aela to find out what is going on with her sister Ellasandra who has dealings with the River King and uncover more mysteries as to why there is something or someone magically impeding them from remembering everything.   During the Trial for the Mortal Realm were The Circle of Six were put on trial for the Rite to defend the Material Realm against Lord Flax's claim to the Land. Gwen used the opportunity to sieze power from The River King - King Ulorian slay him and become Queen of the Summerlands.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

by Nik English
Divine Classification
Current Location
Light Blue
Long White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Almost White Skin
Aligned Organization


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