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Val shows themself in the Mirror


The Path of Nightshade return the Shroud and speak to Val about the coin and the mystery of The Mirrors.

The Shades travel to Blightfen without issues and travel through the rainy day in the city. Neville is happy to see us, but then he asks after Brerenax. Alcath says he has dire news to mess with Neville. Neville is happy that he can write him. They discuss that the borders are closed and the eminete war between Ethios and Drakenwall.   The party returns the shroud. Neville lets the The Path of Nightshade know he is happy to help them with anything pretaining to The Troupe. He trusts them even more than other members of The Troupe.   Val comes to speak to the party about The Mirrors and the Coin. They tell Val that a man named Francis was chasing them and that he had a coin. Val says the “Mirrors” have contacted them a few times and questioned them on their status. The questions were all very vague and coded. Val asked if they could stop coming and talking to them and they gave them the coin and a phrase specific to Val to get them to go away. They talk a lot about “visage” and “mirrors” and “the progeny.” They would talk about Val and themselves as “mirrors”. Alcath asks if people know what Val is and they say not really. Val says the only reason we know is because of Estra, and she’s sorry for her untimely passing. Gilly and Moz check to see if Val is being truthful, as Alcath fails to be very convincing as he expresses sadness at Estra’s passing.   Caia asks if Val knows about Melpomene and they don’t. Val doesn’t know their goal, and they come by at infrequent intervals, sometimes once a year, or more or less. It’s always been someone different and they just show a coin and start talking.

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