Amelia, The Night Mother

You harm my children? Then your blood shall slake their thirst and your bones shall adorn my cathedral!

Goddess of Night, Amelia Talis Ravenheart (a.k.a. Goddess of Blood)

The Goddess of Vampires who stood with Garn Zoren against the Banished Gods, Amelia is one of Roseweald's Patron Dieties and is the Patron of all Vampires who renounce their curse.


The Sanguine Chalice - Amelia's Personal Chalice and an endless source of Blood made for her by Garn Zoren. While Amelia preaches her followers to not drink of Blood unless the require, the Goddess herself is unable to follow this. During the Purge War she took in so much for herself that her thirst can never be sated and her chalice is the only means she has to offer some reprieve.   Crimson Valiant - A Blade that Amelia wielded when she first did battle with Strahd von Zarovich. While its origins are unknown, it is known to wield a curse for mortals, as those who are wounded with its blade become afflicted with a Curse of Withering Death. Any other abilities of this blade are known only to the Blade's Master.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her Holy Symbol is the Blood Lotus, a red flower with red lines of flowing blood extending downward from it.

Tenets of Faith

1. Peace. Violence shall only beused to defend oneself. 2. Consent. No blood shall be taken from the unwilling, unless they attack unprovoked. And no mortal shall be turned against their will. 3. Abstinence. One shall Drink of Blood only when neccessary. 4. Protection. The followers of The Night Mother shall defend mortals from the evils of the Night.


The Sanguine Festival. Within the Dusk District and other locations dedicated to the Night Mother, the First week of Nightfall is week long celebration for her followers. She allows her temples to run over with the blood from her realm and for all of her followers to partake of it. This Celebration is often accompanied by festivities within communities of Vampires and parties and gatherings are frequent sights during this time. Most mortals dare not venture near this frenzied celebration, though there are often minimal injuries suffered by mortal kind.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

1. The Destruction of Barovia and Strahd von Zarovich. Amelia and the King of Barovia have warred since she first appeared upon the battlefield opposing him. They were venly matched and while they have not clashed in person often since then, the times they have have left a wake of death and destruction.   2. The Treatment of her people as equals. She wishes for Vampires to be treated as equals, not as monsters to be feared and slain. Her mercy and goal are not extended to those who prey upon the innocent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amelia's Past before she appeared upon the Battlefield is unknown. She arrived to stand against Strahd as he moved to take mortal prisoners to feed his servants and followers. She and the Duke were evenly matched, an awe inspiring display considering the Duke had already bested several lesser gods. When Strahd was forced to retreat with those already captured, Amelia claimed to stand against his tyranny and told those who witnessed her battle to flee to the safety of Roseweald where her Ally, The Ulitharid God Garn Zoren, was establishing a safe haven. Many followed her words and fled to the safety of Ausen.   For the remainder of the Purge War she and Garn along with a small group of other gods defended the Island of Ausen. When the Purge War was ended and the Golden Concordat established, she vanished from the Material Plane and has watched over her followers since.


Amelia, The Night Mother

Ancient Friend

Towards Garn Zoren, The Architect of Magic


Garn Zoren, The Architect of Magic

Ancient Friend

Towards Amelia, The Night Mother


Divine Classification
True Deity (Actual Status Unknown)
Chaotic Good
Blood Red
Bright Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
7' 8"
215 lbs.

Articles under Amelia, The Night Mother


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