Cathedral of Night

"May the Blood slake our thirst, but never shall we indulge. May the Night protect us but we shall not forsake the Light of Day." - Creed upon the Cathedral's Entry

The Great Cathedral at the Heart of the Dusk District, it is a structure of massive proportions and is a haven for the Vampires who call the District home.

Purpose / Function

Initially created by Amelia, the structure was intended to only be a Safe space for her followers. It has grown and expanded as more and more flock to her following, and now it stands as a massive monument to the devotion of her followers. Thousands gather each day to praise the Goddess and pray for her to sate their thirst with but a drop from her Chalice. The blood that covers much of the interior of the structure is not from mortals but from the Goddess herself.


Gothic in its construction, the original Cathedral was created by Amelia herself as a safe Haven for her first followers. The structure has been expanded and grown well beyond its intiial frame. The spires soar thousands of feet into the sky and the tallest of them nearly reach the barrier of Artificial Night above the District.


While no formal defenses exist for the Cathedral, It features a host of Paladins of Amelia and if the structure is threatened they will not hesitate to do battle with any intruder who would harm the faithful. No enemy has ever breached the Inner Sanctum of the Structure.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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