Children of Night

Fanatics? Aye, but ones that follow peace not Blood and Violence.

The Children of Night are the followers of Amelia, The Night Mother.

Tenets of Faith

1. Peace. Violence shall only beused to defend oneself. 2. Consent. No blood shall be taken from the unwilling, unless they attack unprovoked. And no mortal shall be turned against their will. 3. Abstinence. One shall Drink of Blood only when neccessary. 4. Protection. The followers of The Night Mother shall defend mortals from the evils of the Night.


Most Devotees do not require sleep and often spend what would be time spent sleeping within the Cathedral of Night or within their homes praying to Amelia. They offer praise and prayers and in return are given drops of Blood from her chalice to sate their thirst.


The "Priests" are reffered to as the Nobles, following a similar distribution of power to the Vampire Aristocracy of Barovia. Unlike the Barovians the Nobles of this group protect and discipline the members of their faith as needed. Those who break the Tenets of Faith must be punished accordingly and those who are attacked shall be sheltered.   Most of the Nobles are scarred from centuries of Battle and are Zealous in their duties. To become a Noble, one must be marked by Amelia as someone who truly cares for her teachings and such individuals are usually marked in Adolesence, though it is not unheard of for some to be marked later in life. Nobles in training are trained in swordplay and diplomacy as well as drilled in Amelia's Teachings. To become a full Noble, one must prove their dedication by a task set before them by Amelia herself. Upon Successful Completion, they are given a chalice of the Goddesses own blood and bid to drink. This act binds them to her and enhances their abilites, allowing them to better protect their fellows.   Nobles are treated well for performing their duties and often live lavish lifestyles. Those who shirk their duties or betray their faith are swiftly undone by the Goddess who empowers them, their bodies withered to nothing while their souls are subjected to the Goddess' Judgement.

Granted Divine Powers

Abilites granted to the Nobles of the faith.   1. Greater Regeneration - Nobles have Regeneration that outpaces nearly any other form across the planes. A Full Noble may regerate lsot limbs within seconds and can continue to fight with their head removed or their heart ripped out. The only sure fire way to kill one of the Chosen is to fully destroy their heart or burn the body to ashes.   2. Improved Physicality - Nobles demonstrate enhanced physicality across all fronts. They are stronger, faster and hardier than other Vampires.   3. Undying Souls - Nobles can reform indefinitley as long as they retain their faith and their duty.   General Followers   1. Sunlight Resistance - All devotees of Amelia gain a tolerance for Sunlight, though many say it still causes discomfort it is prefferable to death.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Children have enough influence to twist the arm of many orginzations within Roseweald to allow service to their people but lack the unified power to strong arm the Magister Council into cedeing to their demands.


Each Noble leads their own group of Devotees and each Noble has different Inerpretations of their Faith. As long as they follow the Tenets they are permitted to act as they wish. This has led to some amassing more power than others and an ever complicating field of politics within the church, though nearly all agree on their distrust of the Magister Council.

Peace serves the Mother and preserves our lives.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Nobles of Blood
Controlled Territories


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