Beatrice Andronas, The Lichborn

Now if you just come with me and answer a few dozen Questions I can put in a good word with the Lady of Graves and get you a place working for my Mother as a servitor....

The Pale Drake of Axis, Beatrice Anakala Andronas (a.k.a. Bee)

The Divine Daughter of Klexia Andronas and Obann Andronas, Beatrice bears many titles because of her unusual status but her favorite is "The Pale Drake of the City of Axis". She is a member of the Moon Sages and aids her mother in collecting tomes of Historical Record and Magical Power.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Beatrice appears as a Young Drow Woman, similar in appearance to her Mother but with a much more coky attitude and a bit more superiority complex in her mannerisms.   She can assume a lichesque form though she does not have a Phylactery.   Finally, through either extensive magical augmentation or purely through her own family blood, Beatrice possesses the ability to become a Full Dragon. Her Draconic Form is not one of those seen among other dragons and no dragon alive has seen a form like hers. Her scales are almost like clouded glass, hazy white but transluscent enough to see through them. Her Draconic body looks almost skeletal and is viewed by many as off putting or downright horrifying. This is an apt association as the only times this form is used is when someone threatens her collection, or as she has roared at defilers her "Hoard".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Beatrice is potentially the most powerful Necromancer in all of the Divine City of Axis, barring the Gods who practice such arts. She was born into power as her mother's child and she has taken on many of the aspects of her mother's divinity and the worst aspects of her Father's Draconic Greed. She was born and raised within her Mother's Divine Plane with frequent and lengthy visits to the Mortal Kingdom of Dragonholme.   Her time spent in both realms and the days she spent under the tutelage of her other Mother, Numiner Andronas, has led to a love of all things magical but even more so an obsession with History. When Beatrice had exhausted all the tomes within her Mother's Library on the history of the Old World, she grew more and more driven to catalogue what records she could from those who witnessed it themselves. She has performed interviews on all manner of creatures, from Angels to Devils, Gods and Mortals and even a handful of the most ancient Elementals and Demons she could locate. As such the records within her personal Archive in Axis are a treasured record of the world and its people, one which she is loathe to share with those who have not earned her trust.   When not cataloguing the Old World's History, Beatrice often visits powerful or influential mortals who have reached the end of their lives to document their memories of the World so as to create an ongoing record of the Present. When she is unable to conduct her interviews she can and will often enter the Boneyard to retrieve a Shade she was interested in to ask them her questions, usually in exchange for helping to expedite their judgement before Pharasma. As such she has earned the loathing of many of Pharasma's Psychopomps and is often met in the Boneyard with spectral steel and hostility, which has led to her destroying more than a handful of Psychopomps in her time, much to Pharasma's displeasure.


Beatrice has shown ne interest in anyone, be they Divine or Mortal. She loves her histories and books and cares for little else.


As the Daughter of the Goddess of Knowledge, Beatrice boasts potentially the most comprehensive education in Modern History. Her mind is only outpaced by her Mother's and her Sister in Law, Ashara, who has proven her superiority in over a Dozen Duels between them. While Beatrice may have had better teachers, Ashara's manipulation of Time has allowed her mind to grow well beyond what anyone of her age should be capable of.


When not busying herself with searching for Records, Beatrice will be found at her Library within the City of Axis. The Library is her own Demiplane and occupies space comparable to a small city but housed within it are all the records the Paledrake herself has gathered as well as those contributed by the other Moon Sages and her Mother. This Library is open to many who dwell within the City although some of the knowledge is kept behind secrets walls and hidden archives to house more sensitive information.


Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Towards Beatrice Andronas, The Lichborn


Beatrice Andronas, The Lichborn


Towards Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Born Lich
The Lichborn Mage
The Daughter of Death
The Pale Drake of the City of Axis
The Grand Archivist
The Moon Sage of History
Year of Birth
2245 EP 529 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Drow Purple
Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Moms
Aligned Organization


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