Brynne Byrne

Queen of Beasts, and the youngest Leader of the Alliance, Brynn is growing as a Leader and a Warrior

Queen Brynne Lycrane Byrne (a.k.a. The Wolf Queen)

Brynn is the Queen of Graymark and the first of the Beastmen of Graymark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brynne Byrne is the Princess and currently only known Royal Survivor of the Massacre of Greyfell at the hands of the Beast. She and her husband lead the Survivors out of a makeshift town in an attempt to retain their independence. Brynne is fiercely independent and headstrong, she hates being ordered around or being subservient to others, though she understands there are things she cannot do on her own. Before the Fall of Greyfell she had joined the City Guard as a marksman and she had excelled with her Blunderbuss. Her Elder Brothers were to assume the burdens of leadership while she was free to live as she saw fit. When the City fell she witnessed her eldest brother ripped in two at the hands of the beast, which she promptly blasted with her blunderbuss, damaging its eyes temporarily. She was the last one to leave the city, covering the gate as people fled past her. When the beast brought the gates down she was only saved by one of her fellow guardsmen pulling her out of the way, even as people were trapped inside the city, helpless to fight back. Brynne was dragged away from the city kicking and screaming.   Since the fall of the city she has had few opportunities to brush up on her marksmanship. She has spent much of her time trying to keep morale high, helping to build the ramshackle village that the survivors call home and intervening between her people and the spirits of the forest. She has been looking for ways to remove whatever curse binds the beast to their lands, hoping to find a way to banish it or at the very least what caused it to appear. Though her efforts have been mocked by the man she married as foolish and that they should spend their time on ways of if not killing the Beast, at the very least removing its threat or imprisoning it.   Following the intervention of The Chaotic Seven and the ensuing battle with The Iron Hounds, Brynn and nearly all the surviving people of Graymark have become Beastkin. Similar to Werebeasts, though in control of their mental faculties, these creatures have joined the Alliance under the Leadership of Queen Brynn and joined in the defense against the Orcish Horde that destroyed the Roost.   Brynn has been serving as a frontline Commander on the Northern front of the defense. She briefly clashed with High Lord Lukrag and was injured, being forced to return to Graymark alongside one of the Forosian Commanders that had been aiding her, with rumors of a potential King being crowned in the near future.




Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of the Beasts, Queen of Graymark
Long Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Fur/ Pale Skin
459 lbs.


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