Myara Lamplier (Me-Are-ah)

Pfft, I know he wants me to be safe, but I can fight. I know my limits but I'm not gonna lose friends without a hell of a fight. I can stop a dragon in its tracks, I'm strong enough to matter.

Lady Myara Celean Lamplier- Byrne (a.k.a. Red)

The child of Cian Lamplier and Brynn Byrne, she is a Lupinkin Beastman like her mother. She was given up by Brynn as a way to protect her from the Ire of Nobility due to her being born out of wedlock. She is a curious child and she has an affinity for the wilds, with beasts protecting her on instinct. She wears a Red cloak given to her by her mother.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Myara is massive for a Child her age, she has grown exceptionally fast due to her Beastmen lineage, and is very heavily muscled. She is still learning to control her Transformations, though she does not go on rampages she is still quite annoyed when her body shifts unexpectedly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born after her Father left Gravehollow, Myara is a Beastmen like her mother although she cannot yet control her transformation. She has shown an affinity for Beasts as beasts of the Wilds are drawn to her and protect her.   Since arriving at the keep she has mostly been taken care of by her Aunts, Janni Kessler and Mareena Lamplier. She enjoy's sparring with Mareena and Janni has been teaching her about wild plants and ways to mix medicines using them. When not being directly supervised she is often found at The Fel-Harmonic Festival with Jadyn and Nemri, Jadyn enjoys having another child who is nearly as large as she is and Nemri shares a similar interest in the natural world.   Following a brief kidnapping, Myara has made the Acquintance of a Giant Wolf, named Soot for his black fur, and Her father's former Avian Companion Iatos the War Shrike. Soot roams outside the boundaries of the Keep while Iatos often sits upon her shoulder or patrols the skies near her.   She is often found within the Obsidian Athenium being schooled or trained by her Aunt Mareena. She enjoys her fathers company when he is available but otherwise can usually be found with her friends, Nemri Duskborn and Onvyr Clearspring, hunting in the wilds around the Keep. She and her friends venture out often enough that they have set up small hideaways outside the keep that they can run to in emergencys. She has a way with predatory beasts that is wholly unnatural. She can calm large predators and even befriend all but the most vicious beats. She treats Nemri as a little brother and enjoys spending time with Onvyr. If not out hunting she can oft be found sparring in The Hammerfall Arena with either Kenina Ashdew or Jadyn Arterian.   She has spent her time training and learning, from her Aunts and others within the keep. She is capable of using nearly any weapon that one might find within the Keep but favors weapons relying on her inhuman strength, namely axes and hammers. She carries a Longbow with her and is quite skilled at marksmanship but prefers melee combat. If without her weapons, her claws are enough to deal with most opponents. She is a frequent sight in the Hammerfall Arena, regualrly competing with her best friend, Onvyr Clearspring. To date she has matched Elliot Andronas in strength, able to stop the Black Dragon and throw him in his Draconic form, though she was unable to best him entirely.   When not in the Arena she can most often be found at the Obsidian Atheneum, training her hand to hand skills or studying medicine from Mareena. While not the most studious, she does make an effort to learn from the tomes and scrolls within the Monastery.   Once a week, she, Onvyr and Nemri accompany Janni Kessler on hunting trips. These have become a common occurence to help the Keep stay stocked on Meat, the massive beasts of the Bleakstone Mountains offer much sport and Myara's wolf Companion Soot follows them on their trips and aids in subduing the beasts.


Vale Lamplier


Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier


Towards Vale Lamplier


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Class: Path of the Beast Barbarian/Beast Master Ranger
Neutral Wild
14 Years Old
Circumstances of Birth
Bastard Child of Cian Lamplier and Brynn Byrne
Parents (Adopting)
Vale Lamplier (Sister)
Golden Yellow
Messy Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
208 lbs.
Aligned Organization

Articles under Myara Lamplier


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