
You're gonna hurt them? LIKE HELLS! I lost everything once, and it turned out great. But now... I can't afford to lose it again. I have people I love and I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT THEM! -Greva, to a mob of Demons

Champion Greva Adelaine

Greva is the Daughter of High Lord Lukrag and The Bone Fairy Senla. She is one of Grosh-Ka's finest, despite her youth and she carries with her the power of both her Grandfather, Malgeron the Red Orc and the Corrupted power of the Fel Wild from her Mother. She has proven herself a capable fighter and leader to her father, permitting him to allow her to lead her own band into the raiding lands.   During her first raid she encountered the Chaotic Seven and, under the influence of magic, was filled with the urge to put down her axe. Her grandfather sensed this and, instead of having a defector grandchild opted to eliminate her himself. His avatar attempted to split her but he was unable to and she has survived, her connection to her orcish lineage forever cleaved from her being.   Since the Fall of the Roost she has been under the care of Majar the Mighty and spent nearly seven months underground with him after they escaped the crumbling city. He has taken her under his care and the two have a strange familial relationship. They have set up a small camp upon the Ridge of the mountains nearby Dragon's Claim Keep, close enough to be of aid but far enough to not be bothered by the people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Originally she was a red skinned Orc with fairy features but has undergone signifigant changes since her defection.   Initially she simply had her Fel Nature purged and her fel characterisitics faded over time. Later when she began fighting alongside Majar her Fel characteristics vanished entirely and her other characterstics began to warp as her nature changed. When she and Majar arrived at Dragon's claim Keep, she requested his aid in ridding herself of Lukrag's memory. The two worked over the course of several months to fulfill this request and now Greva has been fully reborn.   She is now a red headed humanoid girl with her wings being able to be manifested at will and when they are not in use she has fairy esque wing growths upn the sides of her head. Her eyes are now Draconic slits and she has forsaken the Great Axe Lukrag gave her in favor of a Greatsword.   [Updated]

Following her reinfection with Fel Rot, her appearance has changed once again, now very closely resembling a Changeling in appearance and brimming with energy both Divine and Fey once more.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following her training under Majar reaching a point of stagnation, Greva has been seen more frequently at the Keep, specifically within the Fel-Harmonic Festival. She is frequently seen skirting the edges of the festival or during hours of quieter performances.   She does enjoy sparring with both Jadyn Arterian and the Fel Champion Scadrag. While Jadyn has tried to get her to engage more with the vibrant sections of the Festival, she has met with firm resistance from the Half fairy, though Greva has made some concessions and seems to enjoy the company of Jadyn.   She has expressed annoyance at the removal of her Fel Rot only to find out that Quillima, the greatest advocate for her purification, succumbed to Rot only months later.   In the months since the Chaotic Seven were trapped, Greva has been seen at the Keep more and more. Majar has permitted her breaks from her training, satisfied with her progress. She wandered the Keep and enjoyed the sight of the Fel Harmonic Festival where she encountered Jadyn Arterian. Having just returned from the Sunfire Archipelago a few days earlier, Jadyn was looking for a fight and Greva obliged her. The two clashed and at the end Greva stood victorious, if only by a hairs breadth. Following this they continued to clash, Greva enjoying the challenge while Jadyn grew more and more frustrated.   Noticing her frustration, Greva suggested a bet on one of their matches. She mused that it would be fun for her and that Jadyn would be more motivated if there were stakes to their match. Greva jokingly bet that Jadyn would have to take her on a date, while Jadyn bet a week of service to Greva if Jadyn lost. The two clashed once more and at the end, Greva stood victorious. She had intended to throw the match but she did not want to see someone she viewed as her first friend to act the part of a servant to her.   And so it was that Jadyn took Greva out on a date within the Fel-Harmonic Festival, with Orgos accompanying them at Jadyn's request. While both Orgos and Greva were amused, Jadyn was seen red faced the entire evening. The date ended with the trio looking out over the Valley at sunset. Where Jadyn, still embarrased and brooding recieved a kiss from both of her partners. The rest of the night was a simple talk of how such a relationship would work before Orgos pointed out his own parents.   Following this, the three of them were constant companions and both Greva and Jadyn spent a great deal of time at the Forges, assisting Orgos with his work and dragging him from the Forges when they felt he had done enough for the day. They each wield heavy weapons and fight in seperate manners but watching each others backs. Nearly a month after their date, Jadyn did succeed in besting Greva in a sparring match.




Towards Jadyn Arterian


Jadyn Arterian


Towards Greva




Towards Orgos Andronas


Orgos Andronas


Towards Greva


Chaotic Good
17 Years Old
Parents (Adopting)
Jadyn Arterian (Girlfriend)
Orgos Andronas (Boyfriend)
Golden Draconic Slits
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
6' 7"
185 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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