The Elliot Retrieval Squad

Alternative names volunteered by the members: The My Brother is an Idiot Squad, Elliot is an Unlucky Boy Squad and The My Boyfriend is a Dumbass Squad. I like the last one personally. - Ashlen Andronas

A group of the Children of the Chaotic Seven's children focused with locating and retrieving Elliot Andronas from Azazael the Fleshwarp


While they have little true Hierarchy, Ashlen organized the group and due to her time in the Abyss is the most experienced with Combat and Life in general. The others work together as needed and generally function as most adventuring parties do, albeit with several more members that most groups of Adventurers.


Besides the various styles of Combat training available to the members of the group, they have been making use of Ataro's proficiency in Divination magic to track Azazel. It is a slow process but reliable and they have been able to start chasing after him using this method.   In terms of Raw strength both Tali and Xaelyn Ashdew have recently come into powers not unlike their Archangel parents and both were highly capable before this new awakening.   Ashlen Andronas has nearly half a century of combat training to rely upon as well as her serpentine form.   Ashara and Kartalos have become proficient in Magical combat and Ashara's Archlichdom compliments Kartalos' newfound immunity to her Hellfire.   Kenina Ashdew has taken more of a backseat approach to the journey, coordinating the others and finding ways in which their abilities might be more beneficial. So far she has been helpful in getting Kartalos and Ashara to lend their expertise to Ataro, who is admittedly struggling upon the Material Plane.   Myara Lamplier and Tavilos have become regular sparring partners as they travel and they are occasionally joined by Jadyn, Greva and Orgos.   Orgos and Greva have been using the mission and the group to keep Jadyn in a level head and away from any intoxicating drink.


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