Kaitain Andronas

They attacked my Home, Kidknapped my Mother and Killed my Friends. I will hunt down the Black Mask and I will end them.

Mistress of Horrors, Kaitain Neserea Andronas (a.k.a. Kai)

A Daughter of the Moon Sages, Kaitain showed no real drive in her studies until her Mother was taken. Following the Attack on Dragonholme by the Black Mask, She has become an Avatar of Vengeance. Like Ashara she wields command over Hellfire, though she has taken up Darker Arts as her search has become more desperate. She has mixed the powers of Necromancy with her studies into Abyssal and Infernal Magics to create horrors that pursue the Black Mask's Agents.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Through her Research Kaitain's body has become warped, with her skin losing its color and cracking to reveal Black and Purple Magics coursing beneath her flesh. Her horns, once elegant and refined are now sharpened weapons that have warped and twisted into black monoliths atop her skull. Her eyes have become changed to pure magic.   She disregards these changes, simply saying that she will pay whatever price she must to return her Mother home.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prior to The Black Mask's attack on Dragonholme, Kaitain was an absentminded and underachieving student within the Moonhaven Academy. She cared little for the Work of the Moon Sages and she merely wandered the Kingdom and enjoyed life. She was doted upon by her Mother, Mevara Andronas as Ashara was almost always called away on business before she could spend substantial amounts of time with her daughter.   Following her Mother's Abduction she became near maddened by the loss of someone she had believed to be nearly invincible. She took to her studies with a fervor not seen in decades and she went from underachieving to the top of her class in months. She loaded her school load with more and more classes, learning Battlemagic from her Grandfather and recieving private tutoring from Numiner. She even approached her Uncle for training in the field of Psychic energies but he turned her away, having seen the thoughts running through her mind.   She has since passed the trials neccessary to become one of the Moonsages, though her actual magical creation is unknown as it was hidden prior to her induction. She now uses all the resources at her disposal to search for her missing Mother, by creating Monstrosities weaved into existence through Old World Technology and Necromancy. When Ashara took issues with her methods the two squabbled into a full on duel and it was only thanks to the Direct Intervention of Zefer Ashdew that they did not kill Each other. Since then Ashara and her daughter have become distant and cold to one another and the sight of their duel, now ruined by Hellfire, serves as the site of Kaitain's studies and creations as she is no longer allowed to twist her creations into existence within the Moon Sage's Tower.


Prior to the Attack on Dragonholme, she had a male partner. He was one of the first to voice opposition to her methods as a Moonsage and his likeness was later seen among her creations. It was this incident that led to the Clash between Kaitain and Ashara.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Searching for Mevara Andronas
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mistress of Horrors
Sage of Desperation
Ilaxis' Favored
Mistress of Monsters
Year of Birth
2516 EP 258 Years old
Current Residence
The Moon Sage's Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ghastly Pale with Purple and Black Cracks
140 lbs.
Irori, Nethys and Amelia
Aligned Organization


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