Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

I am the Sage of Light and Flame, I am not to be trifled with. If you continue to test my patience I will not restrain my temper.

The Solar Sage, Vale Lamplier

The youngest child of Cian Lamplier and Obyssia of the Obsidian Soul, Vale is the Solar Sage of the Moon Sages. She wields ancient magics mixing Druidic Practice and Arcane Theory to unleash power that rivals any seen since the end of the Old World. Her abilities have also been used to renew the land and provide rejuvenation even to the most withered and blighted lands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While Vale does not follow the practices of her Parents or Sister, she does maintain a robust physique and is fully capable of fighting without her magics. While her primary fighting style revolves around her unique magics, when facing weaker opponents that she does not wish to harm or kill, she utilizes magical items that she has collected in her travels or simply her staff as a blunt instrument.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vale Lamplier is one of the Youngest Children of the Adventurer Group known as The Chaotic Seven, one of the last born and without access to the time warping capabilities of the Fel Harmonic Festival she grew up slower than her peers. While this did hinder her ability to keep pace with them, it did not stop her from chasing after her sister and friends to grow stronger.   Forgoing the martial arts training her "Sister" recieved in her own world, Vale was drawn to the Magical energies of the Multiverse. Despite her Father's misgiving's with the Patron Goddess of the Moonhaven Academy, Vale attended classes there while spending her free days roaming the Starlight Grove and listening to the Druidic Masters there. She experimented with both subsets of Magic and by the time she had reached adulthood she was a capable member of both the Druidic Orders and the Powers of the Arcane. She set out on her own, traveling to forgotten corners of the World to dredge up knowledge lost during the Purge War. It was when she was fifty that she discovered an archive that changed her path forever.   She discovered an ancient Druidic Runestone that, when given the proper amounts of magic, revealed an archive hidden within the Weave of Magic, untouchable by both Time and the elements within its own pocket of space. The Archive was of Old World Practices, Druidic Orders that had begun to work with technology rather than reject it as they always had. They did not embrace weapons of destruction or other powers of the sort but instead sought harmony with what many had seen as the inevitable rise of technological powers.   Vale spent the better part of a Decade studying each and every tome in excruciating detail, putting their ideas and Theories into practice and mixing them with her own unique view of Magic. The results were... incredible. The knowledge contained within this archive allowed Vale to control the energies of the Sun at an unprecendented level, from using rays of light to destroy enemies to enhancing the existing rays and light to encourage growth and health in plants and animals. But she had discovered that by mixing these powers with her own innate abilities as a Shadow Dragon she could turn them to monstrous use, condensing the power of light into Singularities which she could use as weapons. This explosive power brought on the attention of Kartalos Andronas who was the expert on Graviturgy Magic.   Kartalos determined that the singularities Vale created were not gravitational anomalies as eh could create, they were voids of nothingness that swallowed any and all magic around them. This information was suppressed by all means available to the duo, for such power could destroy anything, from the mundane to the Gods themselves. Kartalos and Vale collected the Hidden Druidic Archive and brought it to Klexia Andronas, who sealed the records within her realm. On principle the Goddess offered the chance for Vale to join the Moon Sages, pending Ashara's approval.   Vale sought out the Wandering Sage, and asked her judgement on the girl's worthiness. After nearly a month of testing, Vale was accepted as one of the Moon Sages and named the Solar Sage. She and Ashara journeyed together for a time before they nearly ripped a hole in the Material Plane. It was this incident that led to the restrictions upon the Moon Sages being put into place. The two parted ways and continued their own endeavors unbothered and eager to explore. Vale lived up to her Family Legacy and left a trail of Broken Hearts in her path.   It was when she was just past two hundred that she bore her children, Twin Daughters that she would not explain the father of. When she was summoned in her duties she was forced to leave the girls in the care of her mother and father. During this particular battle she suffered near fatal wounds by a fearsome foe and her survival required so much energy that Klexia brought the girl to her own Divine Realm to be able to push more of her Divine Power into her body. The process took several years and weakened Klexia for a period of decades.   She now enjoys her travels and her work but often returns home to Dragonholme to check in on her daughters and rest at her old home within the Obsidian Atheneum.


Vale has followed the Lamplier family tradition of Promiscuity, and has left more than a handful of broken hearts in her travels. When not attending her duties as a Moon Sage she is a notorious flirt and is barred from nearly every drinking establishment within her home Nation of Dragonholme, to discourage reckless activities.


Vania Lamplier, The World Walker

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Vania Lamplier, The World Walker


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Younger Sister

Towards Myara Lamplier


Myara Lamplier

Older Sister

Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Towards Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage

Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage


Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Towards Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames

Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Divine Classification
Demi Outsider
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Solar Sage
The Crushing Dark
The Mistress of Light
The Bane of Flames
Year of Birth
2083 EP 691 Years old
Myara Lamplier (Older Sister)
Myara Lamplier (Older Sister)
Black/Radiant Fire
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
145 lbs.
Klexia Andronas
Aligned Organization


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