Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames

I'd be careful if I were you, the Clock is always ticking you know. Do you want me to make it tick faster?

The Lady of Time, Ashara Zirai Andronas-Ashdew (a.k.a. Ashe)

Ashara Andronas is the Leader of the Moon Sages and the only known Chronomancer in the World. She is widely regarded as the Most Powerful Mage alive aside from the Demigods of the Outer Planes. While most who meet her regard her as simply a half mad Tiefling with a jovial streak, when her power is brought to bear she is a terrifying Archlich and a truly monstrous opponent for any who dwell in the Mortal Realms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ashara began her journey long before many of her Fellows, facing Mazerath as a young woman riddled with the White Blight and forced to have her life ended by one she loved to spare them both the pain of her eternal death, she consumed the Soul of her True Father, the Archdevil Mephistoles. Follwing this she assisted the other young men and women of Dragon's Claim Keep on a handful of adventures but for the Majority of the following years she could be found sequestered away within the Libraries of the Moonhaven and the Obsidian Atheneum. She studied and trained with her family and the Obsidian Dragon Obyssia, slowly building upon the power she now had flowing through her body and soul until she, and others, deemed that she could progress no further through simple study.   Her first few outings into the world were accompanied by rumors of a monster roaming cities and dealing with problems only to vanish without a trace, scaring more than a few villages into offerings to their Terrifying savior. When she was later informed of these rumors she was reported to have fallen to the ground laughing. Her first major Act as an Archlich was to return to the place of her Enslavement, The City of Brass. There she led a one woman Crusade with a small amount of Aid from Kartalos and Alizain Andronas, who had once been enslaved alongside her. Also joining the fight for a few brief battles were the pair who had not known enslavement but had nearly met their ends in the Ancient city, Nem Duskborn and Gilroy Ashdew.   Ashara terrified the Fire Giants and Efreet of the City so much that they gave her one of her most dreaded titles, The Clicking Terror. They named her such for only those who heard the sound of her bones clicking and scraping against themselves and ran from the noise escaped with their lives. While she was ultimately unsuccessful in purging the City of Brass of Slavery, she did succeed in branding her name into the annals of history with that one act alone, an act which culminated in her dueling the Archdevil Kaina Tevara in the main square of the City as the Archdevil sought to keep her investment in play. While Ashara lost the duel and had to be dragged from the Plane of Fires she succeeded in bruising the Dragoness' Ego more than any actual wound could ever do.   Following the ruination of the City of Brass she traveled the world, sometimes in the company of her Spouses and other times on her own or with other adventurers. The more she traveled the more she changed and by the time of her Two Hundredth Birthday her formerly Raven Black Hair had turned Ashen White and her skin had lost its red sheen to be replaced with an almost human pink. It was around this time that the beginings of the Moon Sages began to coalesce, with Ashara leading the charge. Her mastery over Chronomancy was such that she could often be in two seperate locations at once or could avoid unneccessary conflicts all together by simply rewinding the flow of time until she managed to avoid the conflict.   Her near constant meddling of Time led her to conflict with the Elder Goddess of Fate, Esther Bitteroot. The two have been in a constant rivalry since Ashara was informed of the Goddess' true identity and the Archlich proved more than up to the challenge of combating the Hag on her own, without Klexia's Aid. This did have one unfortunate side effect in that it drove Ashara ever so slightly insane. Ashara opened her eyes to every potential possibility of the future with one of her Spells, Ashara's Eyes of the Dawn, and the act of seeing the infinite futures of possibility drove her to the edge of her sanity before she reclaimed it once more. With this ability she has been able to predict when and where the Hag of Fate will make her next move and take steps to stop it from ever coming to pass.   In the Present days, Ashara can often be found on solo expeditions into the New World as she searches for remnants of Old World Technology and pieces of Golarion's past among the wild growth of the New World. She has frequent run ins with the Servants of Tiamat but even the Dragons give her a wide berth as she continues her wanderings, on a mission only she knows.


Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Towards Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage

Kartalos Andronas, The Hellfire Mage


Towards Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames

Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Towards Guildmaster Mevara Andronas


Guildmaster Mevara Andronas


Towards Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage


Towards Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames

Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Towards Vale Lamplier, The Solar Sage

Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Towards Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Ashara Andronas, Archlich of Flames


Towards Alexandra the Demigoddess of Decay


Divine Classification
Ascended Archlich
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Clicking Terror
The Lady of Azure Flames
The Sage of Flame
Bane of the Dragon Queen
The Azure Death
The High Sage
The Chosen of Knowledge
The Mistress of Secrets
That Goofy Idiot
The Lady of Time
Bane of Fate
The Half Mad Witch of Dragonholme
The Prophetess Wizard
Year of Birth
2074 EP 700 Years old
Red as a Tiefling, Blue as a Lich
Flowing White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs.


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