Kartalos the Wanderer

I have seen the End of the World and yet my mind remains my own. And you mean to tell me you attacked these children in a fit of rage? Pathetic.

Herald of Knowledge Kartalos Everin Andronas- Tevara

Kartalos the Wanderer is a Dracolich counterpart of the Hellfire Sage, a remnant of a World Destroyed by Klexia Andronas. He is the most powerful servant of the Goddess of Knowledge and she allows him to do as he will with her only offering guidance when he asks for it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Dracolich is signifigantly shorter than his current counterpart. The shrinking has been attributed to the centuries of starvation and compression of his body around his Phylactery which pulls in everything around it. He remains absurdly lean and skeletal even when disguised as a mortal and even under a glamour of magic he remains looking unhealthy.   Many who have met him view him as a half mad scholar and an obnoxious know-it-all. He can answer most questions easily but refuses to offer counsel unless something is offered in exchange.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from a parallel world to our own, Kartalos' world fell to ruin after the deaths of the Chaotic Seven and when he attempted to right the wrong of his own world he inadvertently doomed them, unleashing the Elder God Azezstos upon all the planes of his world and allowing the Elder God to consume all in its path. Kartalos was unintenionally forced to absorb the energies of hal of his homeworld during this process. He spent the next seven centuries wandering the barren waste that had once been Almura, a world with no light or life save the Elder Goddess of Fate, Tasha Fateweaver. The Goddess tormented him with the blame of the event resting upon him and drove him to attempt suicide until the intervention of Klexia Andronas and Cian Lamplier of our world. They brought him back to our world as Klexia swept the world away with a thought.   Kartalos spent the first few years following the destruction of Mazerath within Klexia's Divine Realm, familiarizing himself with the information in the collection of Old World Tomes left to her by Vecna. Following this he has often spent his time within the Divine City of Axis, trading minor secrets for collections of information and tips on Old World caches of knowledge. While he does not directly tell them information, he does leave clues for the Moon Sages and other followers of Klexia to discover and make use of. He is known to indirectly assist those who he deems worthy of help.   At some point during his time within the City of Axis, he came into contact with the Undead Goddess, Arazni. He and the Goddess have often been observed in the city discussing their pasts, with some of their encounters ending amicably and others ending in fights that left sections of the city in ruins. While the two share much in common it is still a matter of debate if they truly get along or if they merely take comfort in one another's company. There have been several sightings of them upon the Material Plane and the outer planes being much closer than they normally would. It was discovered only recently that the Herald had promised to try and restore Arazni's original body and reverse her lichdom. Whether this could even be attempted on a mortal is a matter of debate but attempting to do so on a Goddess has sparked concern in several circles, both mortal and divine, and they worry what the cost of such an act may be.


While Kartalos has demonstrated interest in the relationships he once had, Ashara and Mevara have made it plain that they have their Kartalos and he is... to removed from theirs to be part of their relationship.   He was alone for much of his time in our world until he became involved with the Goddess Arazni.

Mental Trauma

Spending Several centuries in the Empty Darkness of his own world have left their scars upon his mind and several times he has been incapacitated by spells simulating that world.   He has a strong hatred of abusers and Bullys and has killed more than a handful of mortals for such behaviors. It is believed this is one reason he and Arazni have the bond they do, alongside their Lichdom.


Kartalos the Wanderer

Infrequent Partner

Towards Arazni, Goddess of the Abused


Arazni, Goddess of the Abused

Infrequent Partnerr

Towards Kartalos the Wanderer


Divine Classification
Divine Herald
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wandering Sage
The Lich Sage of Axis
The Know it all Dragon
The Monster of the Dark
The Hellfire Scholar
Year of Birth
1325 EP 1449 Years old
Arazni, Goddess of the Abused (Infrequent Partnerr)
Ember Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Skinned
110 lbs.
Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


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