Rose Ronleaux

Profit and people are my business. I take care of my own and any who cause harm to those I employ will find out why I am known as Knife Master.

Mistress Rose Leneray Ronleaux (a.k.a. Stabs)

The head of the Black Horns and the owner of The Dancing Devil Inn, Rose is a member of the Shadow Council of Moromel and the Lover of Argent Redmane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Do to her weak constitution, Rose prefers to fight light and fast on her feet. She wields knives and always carries the knives she recieved from Pandemos.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rose is a young Tiefling and the Lover of Argent Redmane. She is the biological daughter of Zariel though she resents and despises her mother for casting her away at birth. She views her childhood growing up in the city as an unfortunate neccessity and will often point out her childhood years spent begging upon the streets when people attempt to Admonish her for her actions.   Rose spent her first years being cared for within the City of Dis by a Tiefling couple who were killed during a Purge ordered by Bane Tyranus when she was only five. She fled from Dis through the portal to Castle Blackwall. The castle being only sparsely manned due to the purge worked in her favor and she went running into the night towards the main road that led to Kervalden. After riding along with a merchant she arrived in the city and instead of finding oppurtunity she was shunned and made a beggar. Her home was a half broken crate behind a bakery where she lived off of scraps of mouldy bread.   By the time she was ten she had become quite the adept pickpocket and was managing well enough to afford food regularly. One evening she was attacked by a group of adventurers who assaulted her, taking her money and leaving her naked in a ditch near the outer walls. She nearly gave up then, bruised and shamed in the filth. She was saved by Pandemos who gave her a blessing of strength and health. The goddess gave her the power to chase after her assualters and she slit their throats in their sleep, taking their weapons and equipment to pawn off. She did quite well for herself, managing to afford a room at one of the inns and taking a job as a scribe's assistant.   By the time she was seventeen she had left the job with the scribe long behind her after he made a series of rather inappropriate advances towards her, though this did cost her coin and she was back on the streets before long. She had grown into a lean and graceful young woman and it was here she took to darker work for coin. She began work at a Brothel and was soon a favorite of the wealthy merchants. She made far more coin there than she could ever have working as a scribe and eventually she had managed enough to purchase proper armor and weapons, a fine set of daggers. With these she trained for nearly two years before stepping into the arena with a challenge for Pandemos. Many of her "Clients" jeered at her and shouted slurs as she issued her challenge.   She and The Bloody Valkariye clashed for nearly ten minutes before Rose claimed victory. She accepted the Holy symbol from Pandemos and stood before a crowd of cheers and boos in equal measure. Following this she managed to "acquire" the establishment that she had been employed at through underhanded means. Soon she was picking up Tieflings off the street and employing them at her establishment as attendants and cleaning staff. As she drew in more of her older kin her establishment exploded in popularity for its "exotic tastes". Within a year of her victory in the Arena she was buying up other establishments and placing figureheads as the owners. Eventually she formed the Black Horns guild as a means to manage all her places of business and with this Guild came the offer of a council seat as she now controlled roughly three quarters of the Inns, Taverns and Brothels in the city.   She accepted the Council Seat and now enjoys the luxury of being a noblewoman within the City that shunned her so. She advocates for Tieflings and for the beggars to be given places of rest or employment if possible. During her various dealings with the council she has made good friends with the Human Thief known as Ebony and has developed a far more confrontational relationship with Argent Redmane, though that relationship has unofficially blossomed into a romace between the two.




Rose Ronleaux


Towards Argent Redmane


Argent Redmane


Towards Rose Ronleaux


Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born to the Archdevil Zariel and cast aside for her weak constitution
Argent Redmane (Lover)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Pink
129 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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