
I found something... someone I enjoy the company of who isn't of my blood. I believe I may just give life a chance.

Meshier Livard Egrevius (a.k.a. Meshier the Silent)

A Child of Runiger and half sibling to Numiner.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Meshier's body is covered in wounds from their treatment at Runiger's claws. While they will not speak of the Experiment, Samadriel, Mareena and Esther have all seen beneath the bandages. Each of them described it as their body is coursing with Acidic mixtures, burning them constantly but not allowing them to die. The bandages are a creation of Runiger, designed to contain the mixtures and bind them to Meshier's body. It is such at this point that Esther does not know if the acids can be removed from Meshier.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meshier was once a loyal child of Runiger, until they refused to kill a group of humans for their mother. When they refused they were forced to commit the act regardless and branded a traitor and tossed away. They have remained near speechless in the 50 years since then and they eat only at the insistence of their brother. Their body is so frail that they can barely bring themself to stand.   Meshier has since arriving at the keep, found an interest in the arts, specifically painting. The avoid contact with others and when they are seen they are usually in out of the way locations seperate from others. Alquerien tries his best to keep a general idea of where they are, though even has trouble of keeping track of them. Their paintings invoke a feeling of emptiness and bring sadness to those who look upon them.   They have asked both Mareena Lamplier and Samandriel Tyranus to see if their wounds might be healed. Mareena would not speak of what she saw beneath their bandages, only that she could not heal them. Samandriel fell to his knees, only able to ask how Meshier had survived this long with wounds like that. Even Esther Bitteroot could only look in horror at the severity of their wounds. Her mixtures had no effect upon Meshier's wounds and the child has resigned themself to being bandaged for the remainder of their life.   While treatment of Meshier's condition remains an exercise in futility, they have had their bandages replaced with a new set enchanted by Numiner and Tereen. This new set of bandages soothes as much of the pain from their injuries as it can and has been glamoured to make their face appear as it would without the curse that plagues their body.   Following this new set of bandages being placed upon them, they have been signifigantly more mobile and while they still dislike noise and groups of people they have been seen more often lingering at the edge of gatherings and groups, usually in the company of the Fel Child Nemri Duskborn.   The two of them can often be seen around the Keep together in secluded spots, Meshier having been given painter's supplies as a hobby that would not cause them pain and is something they can do with their limited physicality while Nemri has a simple sketchbook and is close enough for Meshier to know they are not alone but not feel crowded.   Most recently Meshier and Nemri were seen engaging in a Chess match that lasted most of an afternoon and they spoke for much of it, which is far more than Meshier has spoken to anyone, even their siblings, since they were locked away in Runiger's prison.

Mental Trauma

Subjected to Horrific treatment and the victim of one of Runiger's most abhorrent experiments. They only their siblings to touch them and recoil if any other does so. They avoid others and prefer the silence of their own company.



Sibling (Vital)

Towards Caiyen




Brother (Vital)

Towards Meshier




When Caiyen was branded a Traitor he was left in the Dark Hold beneath Runiger's city. He spent many a year in the darkness, attempting to care for his weaker siblings and failing to give them the strength to carry on or the will to care for themselves. He lost many Brothers and Sisters in the years he was within the Darkness. When he met Meshier he refused to lose another of them, and he spent so much time caring for them.   Meshier did not understand why Caiyen cared so deeply for them, they contemplated ending his suffering of watching them struggle to survive but after a failed attempt he wept for them and told them how much he cared for them. They still did not understand but they resolved to live for their brother.   When Runiger experimented on them, Caiyen begged to be taken in their place but was forced to wait in the dark until Meshier was returned to them. He did not eat for the three days Meshier was absent and when they were returned, bandaged and only barely alive he attacked Runiger, though he only managed to enrage her and add another scar to his body.   Caiyen forewent meals to care for Meshier and attempt to nurse them back to help. He gave them his rations and when their wounds did not heal he did his best to at least keep them as comfortable as possible. Since then Caiyen has often carried Meshier when the younger child needed to be moved, and he has continued to do so, though Meshier has made a habit of wandering off by themself.

Nicknames & Petnames

Meshier referes to Caiyen as Kai.   Caiyen refers to Meshier often as Kiddo, Kid or Brother.

True Neutral
Caiyen (Brother)
Silvery White
Short Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
70 lbs.


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