Runiger (Rune-E-Ger)

Oh it was a trifle to instill the idea that Obyssia was a curse of Tiamat... and Aryzen, ha that thick headed fool could not spare a thought to save her life. Though at least she was stronger than many of my own, Numiner among them.

Queen's Champion Runiger Evialine Thalcresti (a.k.a. Mistress of the Dragon Queen)

An Ancient Black Dragon who has dwelled within the Wild Mountains that form the Northern Border of Moledar. She was one of the Dragons who aided Tiamat in the Dragon Queen's last battle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Far Larger than a normal Dragon, even one of her age. Whether this is from her own power or the influence of Tiamat is unknown.

Special abilities

Runiger is an accomplished mage in addition to her physical prowess, though she prefers to make use of undead puppets and the enchantment school over traditional combat spells.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

With her sires being slain by Bahamut's chosen and Runiger's egg being saved from Destruction by one of Tiamat's champions, Runiger was unquestioningly loyal to Tiamat from her first days of life. She grew up under the Shadow of the Dragon Queens wings and was nourished by the Goddess to grow powerful and mentored to be as cunning as she could be. She grew into a dragoness capable of clashing with all but the Great Wyrms of Bahamut and she orchestrated the deaths of those she could not kill herself. By the time of the last battle of the Purge War, her claws were soaked with Mortal and Draconic Blood.   She stood in defense of Tiamat during the final battle and escaped with no permanent injuries. She fled to the northern mountains with a group of loyal Black Dragons to sire a new brood of Dragons, though her plans have been delayed by infighting without the guidance of Tiamat. Runiger is among the largest non great Wyrms alive and she has amassed a massive Hoard by eliminating rivals or demanding offerings from potential mates.
Divine Classification
Divine Champion of Tiamat
Neutral Evil
8,978 Years Old
Current Residence
Her Abode
Sickly Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Gleaming Black Scales
55' Standing Height
80 Tons
Tiamat, The Dragon Queen


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