Naya Lamplier

The Dread Beast, Nayaka Ildeni Lamplier (a.k.a. Naya)

Naya Lamplier is the Daughter of Kartalos Andronas and Vale Lamplier and she shows a bloodlust not seen in any other Dragon to date.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Naya combines the most powerful aspects of her parents in the worst possible way. She bears hybrid scales, with the power of her Mother's Obsidian Scales and the Durability of her Father's Scales rendering her incredibly resistant to almost all forms of harm. Her Breath Weapon burns hotter than either of her Parent's, Violet Hellfire. And she bears the Physicality typical of a Hellfire Wyrm, brute strenght rivaling those several times her own age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naya Lamplier has always had a penchant for violence, between attempting to break her sister's horn only a week after she hatched to gutting and killing a group of hunters who crossed her path when she was five. At the age of Nine she was sparring with members of the Obsidian Atheneum and was pushed too far nearly killing her sparring partner and proceeding to begin breaking down parts of the Monastery before arriving at the Moonhaven Academy. She fought and heavily injured several students before Numiner Andronas arrived and subdued her on her own but nearly lost her right eye in the process. It was this incident that forced the hand of her parents to have the twins taken away by their Grandfather until they could keep their destructive tendencies in check.   While her brother did calm his Violent tendencies after a brush with Death, Naya has only become more extreme in the years since. She hunted down the rest of the Cult that nearly killed her brother alongside her Grandfather and proceeded to draw in more foes when she attacked a fortress town in her rage. The Fortress town of Ultaran sat upon the shoreline of the Sea of Fire on the Elemental Plane of Fire. Naya attacked the Fortress believing it belonged to the Cultists. The town was drawn into the fight with her while her Grandfather attempted to subdue her but he could not managt to do so before she unleashed her flames upon the populace of the Town, reducing them all to ash in seconds.   Following this she was taken to Flower Fruit Mountain where Cian attempted to teach her meditation and how to control her Rage. This attempt went poorly and resulted in Naya tearing a path of desolation across the Plane. After two decades of attempts Cian realized that his Granddaughter would never relent in her Destructive ways and instead simply tried to turn her towards a constructive use of her power and bloodlust. Over the course of several decades he taught her to direct her rage at criminals and outlaws. With this new training she was unleashed and her efforts did yield results with Quervelt's rate of banditry and crime were signifigantly reduced. During periods where criminals were scarce Naya did become a problem but others could subdue her and keep her occupied until others could be ound to direct her fury.   Following the Battle of the Seagate, where Nayaka was forbidden from assisting due to the concern that she might fall under Tiamat's Influence, she was blessed with mental protection by Klexia Andronas and sent across the Stormwall to the New World to wreak Havoc on Tiamat's followers there. She has been sighted recently at the New World Colonies, complaining that she did not have good food during her time in the New World and being noticeably more subdued in her violence towards others. Her Mother and Father have visited the New World Colonies to see her and have noticed the change in her violent ways as well.


Naya Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Rala Lamplier


Rala Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Naya Lamplier


Naya Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Kalika Lamplier


Kalika Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Naya Lamplier


Naya Lamplier


Towards Orackan Lamplier


Orackan Lamplier


Towards Naya Lamplier


Divine Classification
Demi Dragon Outsider
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Butcher of Ultaran
The Dread Beast
The Hellfire Beast
The Nightmare Dragon
The Bane of Tiamat
The New World's Guardian
Year of Birth
2387 EP 387 Years old
Rala Lamplier (Half Sister)
Kalika Lamplier (Half Sister)
Orackan Lamplier (Brother)
Fire Orange
Long White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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