Orackan Lamplier

The Phoenix Dragon, Orackan Elias Lamplier

A Rebelious dragon born from Vale Lamplier and Kartalos Andronas, he and his sister were terrors for several years within Dragonholme until their Grandfather took them on his travels. He is know a researcher at the Obsidian Atheneum and one of its Chief Protectors when his Grandfather is absent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orackan and his sister hatched during a quiet period within Dragonholme and the pair of them rectified that situation immediatley, with the two of them igniting the forests surrounding the Keep by "Accident", Nearly getting their mother killed while she was sleeping and Naya attempting to harm her half sister by breaking her horn, all within a week of hatching. The pair of young Dragons were deemed to be problematic, even the ever patient Numiner could not corral them, and the two were given to Cian Lamplier on their tenth birthday in a last desperate hope that he could find a way for their destructive tendencies to be of use.   The two of them traveled with their Grandfather for a handful of years, with a new understanding of discipline where he showed them just how much power they had. The two respect him and his strength, even i they constantly seek to challenge it. Their first true test after Cian's trials came when they traversed the Elemental Plane of Fire to help in stopping a Cult who wished to spill the contents of the Sea of Fire across the Material Plane. While Naya and Cian dealt with cultists, Orackan found himself clashing with a Phoenix that served as the Patron of the Cult. The young Dragon was brutally injured and in a last desperate chance of survival he dove into the Phoenix's heart and used his own Obsidian Scales to draw the Monster's energy into his own body to destroy it. The reckless attempt nearly killed him but he did survive, albeit with Grievous injuries. He was returned to his Parents within Dragonholme and Cian and Naya embarked to hunt down the remaining cultists.   Orackan recovered slowly but surely, his parents and relatives tending to him as the Phoenix Flame roiled within him. It is unknown precisely what happened to him during this time but when he awoke he was a far different person. Vale has theorized that when faced with his own mortality he grew afraid and changed his tune while Kartalos has presented the idea that Orackan and the Phoenix's minds were damaged and brought together in an individual far different than either was before.   Orackan is now a polite and well mannered young man and he has shown a studious side following his brush with death, studying with his parents while Naya and Cian continued their hunt. He sported wings in his humanoid form that appear to be fire and smoke but are indeed composed of feathers. He now aids his parents in their studies and has engaged in his own, using a newfound connection to the Plane of Fire to attempt to calm the Elemental Spirits there. He has not forgone his training with Cian, often testing his physical prowess against the Elder Monk when he returns to Dragonholme.   He often can be found investigating the power of the Phoenix and he has attempted to aid Daniella Eld in removing her own Phoenix Curse.


Orackan Lamplier

Half Brother

Towards Rala Lamplier


Rala Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Orackan Lamplier


Orackan Lamplier

Half Brother

Towards Kalika Lamplier


Kalika Lamplier

Half Sister

Towards Orackan Lamplier


Naya Lamplier


Towards Orackan Lamplier


Orackan Lamplier


Towards Naya Lamplier


Divine Classification
Demi Dragon Outsider
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Phoenix Dragon
Year of Birth
2387 EP 387 Years old
Rala Lamplier (Half Sister)
Kalika Lamplier (Half Sister)
Naya Lamplier (Sister)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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