Rakai Andronas

I watched him die you know. I was there. I couldn't do anything. Mom Couldn't. Dad Couldn't. No one could. After that we all grew apart.... And I came here. Just to get away from the grief.

The Mind Storm Rakai Inaria Andronas (a.k.a. Raki)

The Child of the Angel Xaelyn Ashdew and Elliot Andronas, Rakai has not seen her parents in Centuries as she wanders the wilds of New Tian Xia.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rakai is an incredibly worn indvidual. She has been in countless battles since her arrival in New Tian Xia and she has not made it through unscathed. Those who have seen her without her armor describe her skin as a patchwork of scars with no spot unscathed. As a Wingless Angel her body will repair itself so long as she lives but it cannot remove scars or other major injuries unless she returns to Celestia, which she refuses to do.   She is in peak physical condition, easily superhuman in her physical strength and her presence alone is often enough to cow others into peace.

Specialized Equipment

Rakai carries a blade given to her by a grateful smith she saved in her early days of wandering. It is known as Storm Eater and it has attuned itself to her over the centuries, being able to generate lightning even if she cannot. It has drank the blood of hundreds of Dragons sent by the Dragon Queen to attack New Tian Xia and has been compared to the former blade of Autrion Haman, Life Render.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rakai was born to Xaelyn Andronas and Elliot Andronas as a wingless Angel. While she cannot fly like her mother she does command much the same power over lightning and can traverse the planar realms to arrive in Celestia. Her birth was met by confusion from the Angels as by all records she sould have been born with wings. She stayed with her Father in Dragonholme for the majority of her youth, studying the blade as she had little interest in magic.   When she was ten years old she inadvertently awakened Psychic abilities like her father and the two honed her mind to a potent weapon and an impenetrable bulwark. To this day she remains one of the only denizens of the Material Plane that can match her father in psychic might. By the time she was Twenty-Eight her parents had a second child, Anduran, who was born an Angelic child. Rakai cared little for her brother's wings, she instead looked after him and spent any free time she had doting upon her joyful younger brother.   When Anduran was Seventeen disaster struck as he was kidknapped from Dragonholme by followers of Ilaxis. The Entirety of the Andronas and Ashdew Families set off after him, intent on rescuing him from his captors. They found him being held in the Cathedral of Ilaxis' worship within the Shadowlands. The Trio of Rakai, Elliot and Xaelyn were the first to reach the Cathedral and they made short work of the clergy gathered within. As they were about to reach Anduran the Goddess Ilaxis manifested within the Temple, Incensed to the point of vengeance. She unleashed her divine wrath upon the boy, blasting his essence across the Shadowfel and mocking the family that now stood horrified within her temple. The three of them attempted to attack her directly but were stopped by Klexia Andronas to prevent them from being targeted by Ilaxis in retribution.   Following the battle, Rakai saw her parents argue and fight, attempting to blame the other for this tragedy to save themselves from grief. She slipped away from them on the journey home and boarded a ship bound for New Tian Xia. There she has remained in the centuries since, famed for her skills with a blade, her command of Lightning and her prowess with her Psychic abilities. She travels alone but when the forces of Tiamat appear to attack the western coast of the Continent she never fails to appear and aid the gathered warriors. Many have sought to call her the Dragonslayer but she has politley refused this title.   She often makes brief appearances at her Grandmother's Temples and can be heard offering short prayers before leaving to continue her travels.


Rakai Andronas

Older Sister

Towards Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain


Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain

Younger Brother

Towards Rakai Andronas


Divine Classification
Wingless Angel
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lonely Wanderer
The Storm Warden
The Mind Storm
The Dragonslayer
The Broken Angel
The Dark Daughter
Year of Birth
2220 EP 554 Years old
Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain (Younger Brother)
Current Residence
New Tian Xia
Blood Red and Gold
Red or Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.
Klexia Andronas/Pharasma


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