Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain

Everything hurts always.... I can't free myself and they can't help. I will find a way but until then... Pain is all I know.

Angel of Pain, Anduran Arikal Ashdew-Andronas

Anduran was at one time the son of Xaelyn Ashdew and Elliot Andronas, but now he is the accursed child of Pain and an Abomination handcrafted by Ilaxis.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Anduran's body is a patchwork of his own former flesh and bone and that of the most powerful monsters Ilaxis could create alongside some of Zon-Kuthon's own abominations. His bone shows through much of his body and he often masks himself with magic to merely appear as a dark Angel. Beneath the outer layer of bone he is a sickening collage of organic material and no matter how much he tries he cannot escape the monster he has been made into.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anduran met his end when Ilaxis unmade his existence in her Grand Cathedral, that is how the story goes. In truth the disparate threads of his being were gathered up by Ilaxis and Zon Kuthon after being scattered throughout the Shadowfel. With these pieces they crafted Anduran anew, in a process that took nearly a decade they rebuilt his soul as it had been and molded a body formed from his previous one. They wove shackles and all manner of their power into their newly made "Son".   Anduran awoke when they finished the last of their enchantments, binding him to them and the Shadowfel. He was remade with his mind still struggling to comprehend what happened, his mind was nearly blank and for a handful of years he truly believed them when they said he was their son. Their horrid parody of a family became all he knew until a gift from Pharasma and her Psychopomps awakened his old self. He grew to remember what had been done to him, how Ilaxis had kidknapped him, tortured him and eventually unmade him. When he confronted his "parents" they skirted around the truth until he caught them in a lie and they unveiled what they had done. He was disgusted by what they had made him into and he attempted to attack them and when that failed, to destroy himself to be rid of them. He then realized what they had done to his body, making it into the pinnacle of Ilaxis' handiwork he could not die, even by his own hand. The paired Gods unleashed the enchantments that had been placed within his body, unleashing bouts of shattering pain upon him at random and causing him to lose control of his mind and rampage as if he was nothing more than a beast.   He fled into the depths of the Shadowfel, cursing them and clawing at himself trying to rip their power from himself. He cried out for his parents in vain and he pleaded with the Void for his Grnadmother's aid. She appeared before him and offered her aid in removing what had been done to him. When she attempted to break the enchantments upon him they found that Ilaxis had expected as such and poisoned them with her own corrupting influence, so that not even a God or Goddess could break them without their mind and being becoming host to her manaical influence. Klexia offered to get his Parent's aid in freeing him but he declined, he did not want another to suffer trying to aid him. He made her swear to tell no one of his survival and after much convincing and stipulations, she agreed. Thus did Klexia leave, Ordering her most elite followers, The Moon Sages, to scour any records for a way to break Ilaxis' curse.   In the interevening years Anduran has become something of a Guardian within the Shadowfel, keeping an eye on those who arrive their unintentionally and guiding them out while protecting others from his "Parent's" Influence.


Rakai Andronas

Older Sister

Towards Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain


Anduran Ashdew, Prince of Pain

Younger Brother

Towards Rakai Andronas


Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Year of Birth
2248 EP 526 Years old
Rakai Andronas (Older Sister)
Gold and Black
Shaggy Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
657 lbs.


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