Roseweald, City of Magic

The Home of The Magister Council, and the site of Garn Zoren's Nexus, the city of Roseweald is the main attraction of the small island continent of Ausen.    The feature that catches the eyes of newcomers to the city are the massive floating islands that orbit the city, endlessly circling around the grand structures and spires. These islands house many of the Libraries and Laboratories that house the cities knowledge. These islands vary in size from a mile to only a few hundred feet in width. Within these laboratories experiments are performed to test the boundaries of magic, while in another the Illithar race are created through secret alchemical processes.   The second is the Nexus, a massive structure of 1873 metal rings that form a gyroscope orbiting a massive amount of condensed magic within the very center of the city. The structure was created by Garn Zoren himself as means of protecting the city. It projects a field of energy around the island of Ausen that prevents magic with Hostile intent from entering the island. It is also what causes the floating islands of Roseweald. Finally it acts as an Artificial Elder Brain to the Illithid inhabitants of the city so that they may be free of the control of other Elder Brains and allowing them to be as individuals   The city features a wide range of inhabitants, from the common races such as Humans, elves or Halflings, but also more exotic species like Illithids, Vampires and a small selection of Beholders. The Vampires are generally only active within the Dusk District of the city, while the Beholders are almost soley Librarian guardians and Curators, though one runs a magic shop. The Illithids of Roseweald love to study the Arcane and emulate Garn Zoren, generally following the way of the Artificer.


The Roseweald Academy - Occupying the Central portion of the city, The Academy is one of the largest structures on the Material Plane. It is composed of hundreds of classrooms and is capable of sustaining itself indefinitley should the need arise. The staff and students are housed within its walls and rarely need to venture outside of the Academy itself save for leisure activities and procuring more exotic components for spells and rituals.   The Nexus - The nexus itself is massive but built around it are various magical defenses and guardians, on constant watch for threats and dangers to the Keystone Structure. Beyond these defenses lie gardens of magical flora and fauna and several of the larger floating islands that hover over the structure. These Islands are the homes of the Magister Council and act as both domicile and laboratories for the members.   The Dusk District - The Southern section of the City is shrouded in a permanent artificial night that allows the Vampiric residents of the city to move freely. The central portion of the District houses the Cathedral of Night, the largest temple to Amelia, The Night Mother. The Dusk District is a refuge for unwilling Vampires and many come to this region to beg the Night Mother to remove their affliction. While she cannot remove their vampirism she can offer boons and protection to those who have been unwillingly converted. The Dusk District has the largest population in the city and many of its residents live on the streets as they struggle to stay within the zone of Artificial night. As a result of the limited space, The Dusk District has a very vertical layout. Many Families within this District often attempt to gain scholarships for their children to enter the Academy, as a way to escape the Squalor many live in here. Others have voiced cries of segregation towards the Magister Council, claiming that the Council could extend the zone of night to allow for more space but chooses not to.   The Gutters - The Sewer system beneath Roseweald has become a home for monstrous creatures and gangs of criminals of all stripes. The sewers extend over a dozen layers deep below the city and are a maze of tunnels and death traps. Any attempts to clear out the creatures dwelling here have been met with failure. If one needs something smuggled in or out of the city, they need only seek out the more civilized groups within the Gutters, and bring plenty of coin.   The Amethyst Bazzar - The Amethyst Bazzar is the market of the City and extends to the northern shoreline of island where the port district, The Sapphire Docks, begins. The Bazzar boasts the most magical components, reagents and magical merchants anywhere across the planes. Any merchant here has some form of magical protection and ability, and the competition is cutthroat. One can make a fortune here in but a day if only they can survive against their competitors.   The Sapphire Docks - The Docks are a sprawling Port that has vessels constantly coming and going at all hours of the day. While hundreds of supervisors patrol the area, they can only survey so much and many illicit goods make it through their watch. As the Port is one of the few ways to get items on and off the island it is a den of smugglers masquerading as honest merchants and a place where shipments often go missing.   The Ivory Towers - This District resides on the floating Islands around the city, composed of massive Ivory white towers that stretch into the sky, these towers hold the vast libraries of knowledge and are the second most closely guarded section of the city, after the Nexus. Curators guard their charges with unparralelled zeal and gaining access to these archives is a process that takes months of paperwork. Each tower is manned by one Beholder who have entered into agreements with the Magister Council to guard the archives in exchange for protection and free roaming of the archives. The Members of the Magister Council can freely teleport themselves to the Archives if they are threatened and all will engage in its defense. Only a handful of raids in the Millenia that the city has stood have succeeded and of those only three lived long enough to make use of their knowledge. The Curators of the Ivory Towers despise the Cobalt Soul and their freely accessible knowledge, viewing knowledge as a commodity rather than a right.
Founding Date
18,974 OW
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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