Vecna, The Whispered One

Vecna is the God of Knowledge and Secrets, a Master of the Arcane and Undeath. He is the eldest of the new gods and among the most active players during the Purge War. He founded the Organization that would become the Cobalt Soul and was the first to discover the Divine Spring. He and his students, Arch Liches in themselves, hoarded knowledge that would have otherwise been lost during the Purge War.   Vecna did not do this purely out of altruism, he was obsessed with learning everything he could, this is what drove him to lichdom and eventually divinity. However once he ascended to Divinity he became far more kind than he had been, no longer did he need to collect souls to live. With the power of a God at his beck and call Vecna established the Libraries that the Cobalt Soul uses as monasteries, fortress like building designed to protect the knowledge within at all cost. He and his students recorded their personal notes on things of note within these libraries as well, magical artifacts or other items deemed to dangerous to be allowed out into the wider world. By the Time of the Purge War, Vecna had amassed so many records of things that were forbidden or dangerous that he used them to manipulate or assist during the Purge War.    During the War he provided other gods that he viewed favorably with the means to defeat those who threatened the world. At some point Vecna vanished without a trace, he left his students to fill his absence but the void was felt all the same. Some say he still lives but he is largely assumed to be dead or otherwise permanently incapacitated by most.


Vecna, The Whispered One


Towards Esther Bitteroot

Esther Bitteroot


Towards Vecna, The Whispered One

Esther Bitteroot (spouse)
Founded Settlements


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