Saalima Khan (Sah-Li-Mah)

Sometimes I wish I could just disappear into the sky.... Just leave and let the world's problems fade away... But they need me, at least until Autrion is dealt with.

Queen Saalima Levitan Haman

The Queen of Edin and Leader of the Alliance, Saalima Khan is a Crystalline Blue Great Wyrm and an Archdruid of the Council of Archdruids. She is a well liked leader and seen as a far more fair and reasonable Queen than her Adoptive Brother, Emperor Autrion. She founded the City of Edin and brought some semblance of Order to the Desert known as The Great Expanse in her youth.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When she was undergoing her Druidic Training Saalima ventured south to the ruinous desert known as the Great Expanse. This Desert had bordered her Mother's hunting Ground, but the desert itself was an expansive wasteland with few oasis' to speak of. Saalima spent months training her druidic magic to create more springs in the desert sands and eventually she succeeded. She managed to create a massive lake in the center of the desert, several miles wide in all directions and several hundred feet deep, she had surprised even herself with her success. She spent a few more months dotting the lake with small islands and turning the desert sands around the lake into stone and soil. While she toiled away on her project, some of the tribal Dragonborn of the desert had seen her handiwork and how she continued to cultivate the land around the waters. They set up their camp at the lakes edge and watched her work, mistaking her for a goddess they began worshipping her as she worked. Saalima eventually felt satisfied enough with her progress to afford a break and she descended upon the ground near the Dragonborn camp. The people gave her food and drink, even as they were going hungry and Saalima declined their offerings. She summoned food and drink for the people and affirmed that they could live upon the lake. They told her that even if they did, more savage tribes would come along to drive them out or slaughter them. Saalima agreed to help them defend themselves and set about raising stone pillars and walls. One of her teachers, one of the last High Elves on The Material Plane, had shown her ways to open rifts to the elemental planes and she did so now, bringing through massive stone formations to form mountains surrounding the Lake.   When the savage tribes tried to approach the Lake they found mountains of stone encircling it and a Blue Dragon staring down at them. When they attempted to attack her she called down a storm upon them, pelting them with rain, hail and lightning. Those that survived the storm threw themselves upon the ground begging for mercy. She showed it to them, declaring that they would defend the lake and those that chose to live there. They agreed readily and joined the tribe that had initially settled at the lakes edge. The tribe had blossomed over the few months that Saalima had watched over them, growing from only a hundred to several hundred. With the new additions they began to construct buildings and roads through the mountains. Saalima had taught a few basic druidic magic and they now helped to grow trees and other plants upon the barren mountains encircling the Lake. When she had to return to her Imperial Duties she was stopped by the Dragonborn that had come to follow her. Together the tribe leaders knelt and swore Loyalty to her, they forsook their own titles of Tribal Khans and named her the Great Khan, giving her the name Saalima Khan.    When she returned from her struggle against Autrion she found the Dragonborn thriving. They had begun sending out messengers to the tribes still roaming the desert and while a few had refuse nearly all the tribes stood united under the banner of their nameless City. Saalima greeted the newcomer Khans and explained to all the situation with Autrion. Many raised their weapons, ready for battle against this monster that had betrayed the Great Khan. She managed to talk the fervent warriors into defending their home instead of charging the enemy. While they constructed defenses and prepared, Saalima gave the City its name of Edin, after the Druidic Word for Life, and set about contacting the other Alliance Leaders. They had escaped Autrion's betrayal at the palace and were mustering their own defenses. Saalima took to organizing them and offering strategies to counter the Imperial Forces. After nearly four months of Preparation Autrion's forces arrived at the doorstep of Edin.   The dragonborn had turned the mountains surrounding the Lake into a network of tunnels, towers and walls making the mountains themselves into defenses. Autrion announced his arrival with a group of captured Gold Dragons, two nest mates and their hatchlings, and had them brought out to display in front of the cities defenses. With his new metal hand he broke the necks of the hatchlings and cut the necks of the adults with his blade, announcing that any dragons or those of draconic nature would meet the same fate if they entered Imperial Lands. Incensed by this needless bloodshed Saalima brought forth a feat of magic not matched since, she pulled at the very essence of the Elemental Plane of Earth. With this act of magic she summoned the earth itself to bend before her will. While her Dragonborn allies launched volley after volley of Catapult shots and arrows, she fashioned this magical essence into the form of a massive serpent, miles long and hundreds of feet thick. She then broke the serpent into fragments and leveled her staff at her Adoptive Brother.    "Shall you or your armies ever trespass these sands again, these beasts will consume you and drag you to the depths. These migthy creatures are mine to command and they will be your bane." She commanded in the Ancient Language of the Druids.   This decree is said to have echoed across the Material Plane, such that all druids heard it. And as the Sand Serpents began to move they rushed towards Autrion's armies. His armies, unprepared for these monsters, broke into panic as their front lines were dragged down into the sands. Autrion's army was forced into a full retreat to the Desert's edge, the same border that the College of War Magic would later create the Runestones that prevent the Sand Serpents from leaving the Desert Sands.   It was from these Origins that Saalima Khan Ascended. With the Desert secured and her Oasis safe she joined the fight in the mainland of Quervelt. When she engaged one of the Storm Giants that had entered Autrion's Service she was struck by Lightning from its storm that forced her to the ground and while many though she had been injured or even struck down, none were prepared for the glittering Sapphire Dragon that emerged from the Dust. Saalima became the first of the Dragons to ascend to a Crystalline Dragon without a Direct Blessing from Bahamut or Tiamat.


Saalima Khan

Adoptive Sister

Towards Autrion Haman


Autrion Haman

Adoptive Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Current Status
Leading the Alliance
Circumstances of Birth
Hatched by Sumin Haman with Aid from Esther Bitteroot
Parents (Adopting)
Autrion Haman (Adoptive Brother)
Current Residence
Sunlight Yellow
Sky Blue long hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned / Sapphire Scales
6'2" or 89' 8"
165 lbs. or 80 Tons
The Raven Matron


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