Saalima Khan

I grew tired. Tired of being the pillar of strength, tired of the wars and the violence. My time has passed, the young will lead on now.

Queen Saalima Levitan Haman (a.k.a. Saalima Khan)

Formerly the Princess of the Kothan Imperium and Queen of the City State of Edin, Saalima Khan has withdrawn from the political stage to lead the Druidic Circles of the World.   She was succeeded by the young Druidic Dragon, Acren Eld.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Saalima Khan was the Queen of Edin until the year 2592, at which point she abdicated her throne and offered the position to the Young Dragon Acren Eld. The young Dragon took her offer and has been ruling the City State of Edin since her abdication nearly unchallenged, while his wife, The Archfel Vella Duskborn, is an often absent Queen but she remains involved enough to be recognizeable in the city.   Saalima has spent the years since effecting as much organization as she can upon the Druidic circles of the world, from the Archtree nestled within the Kingdom of Evergarden. The Archdruid does her best to mediate affairs between the Druidic Circles and to act as a defender of the wild spaces of the world, sometimes engaging in limited combat with nations to defend Wild places from development.   Saalima is not a young dragoness, her time as Queen of Edin and contending with her adoptive brother took their toll upon her and she shows her age in her faded hair, tired wrinkles upon her face and a stooped posture when she must directly intervene in events. She is a known friend of the Elder God Rone Eld, with his avatar often only drawing attention himself during meetings with the Archdruid.


Saalima took a handful of partners of all types during her youth but during the initial conflict of the Imperial Civil War, she was seeing a young Imperial named Ameron Drows, who stood as a stalwart ally during the conflict though he vanished near the end of the conflict with no trace.   When the adventuring party known as the Chaotic Seven found Azazel's Bunker during the Quervelt War, Ameron Drows was found and freed and he rejoined Saalima shortly after, officially as her husband. The duo have been together since, with Ameron having found a means to extend his life well beyond its natural limits, though he refuses to speak of it.


Saalima Khan

Older Sister

Towards Atticus Teclis


Atticus Teclis

Younger Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Saalima Khan

Adoptive Sister

Towards Autrion Haman


Autrion Haman

Adoptive Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Neutral Good
Year of Birth
4 EP 2770 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hatched by Emperor Sumin Haman
Parents (Adopting)
Atticus Teclis (Younger Brother)
Autrion Haman (Adoptive Brother)
Golden Yellow
Faint Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs.


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