Atticus Teclis

It only took 4,000 years and my death and revival for me to find someone. Well Esther was right, my life is anything but calm.

Lord Atticus Ledurian Ashdew- Teclis

A Blue Dragon hatched during the Purge War and raised by Esther Bitteroot, Atticus was raised among Humanoids and treats them with a moderatre amount of respect. He is well spoken and while stern, kind enough to offer aid if it is needed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atticus was born of Fekiw the Greedy and an unnammed Blue Dragon but his egg was one of the many she entrusted to those she believed could protect them. Esther Bitteroot was one such individual. His mother being a Great Wyrm and one of the Champions of Tiamat gave Atticus a sense of Pride, but he had no desire to be subservient to Tiamat herself. He was assasulted and "slain" by followers of Ilkash, Princess of Excess with both his physical body and soul being trapped in her Soul Vault since before the end of the Purge War.   During his time with Esther he showed little affinity for spellcraft and instead occupied himself with historical scrolls and books. He now spends much of his time in the Library of Ironhold Keep, learning what has transpired in his time spent in Ilkash's Soul Vault. He has befriended the young Black Dragon Numi and pesters Shizani Irefni on her reckless manner of making potions.   After arriving at Dragon's Claim Keep he has assumed a leadership role, though he often defers to others unles she feels a serious mistake is about to be made. He spends much of his free time accompanying Ari and now, caring for Xaelyn, though the Angelic Child hardly needs his full attention. When not with his family he can be found honing his skills with a Blade in the Hammerfall Arena.   He has been aiding the Guard Captain Raphine in securing the borders of the Keep and enjoys drilling the new recruits personally. When not busy with his recruits he can often be seen idling himself with tomes from The Moon Haven's Library or from the Obsidian Atheneum. He has been attending to the training of many of the children of the Keep. He trains with those more interested in Martial Combat such as Kenina, Xaelyn, Tali, Myara, Orgos and Ashlen. Though those more interested in knife play he sends to his partner for more instructive lessons.   He enjoys spending his free hours with Ari and Xaelyn and he can regale the two of them with stories from his time spent during the Purge War in his youth. The two of them help him through the more difficult memories and when the darker memories surface both Father and Daughter can be seen shielding him with their wings.

Gender Identity

He originally cared little for his feminine form, viewing it as unfit for combat and more fragile than his male form. Though he has since adjusted to a life outside of constant battle and he enjoys teasing Ari with his fairer side. When within his feminine form he prefers feminine pronouns.



Mental Trauma

Following the Incident with Garavos, in which he killed Ari while under the effects of an Illusion, Atticus has had a lack of trust in himself. He constantly second guesses himself and though he enjoys Ari's Company, he has been remaining more distant than he did previously.


Ari Ashdew


Towards Atticus Teclis

Atticus Teclis


Towards Ari Ashdew

Saalima Khan

Older Sister

Towards Atticus Teclis


Atticus Teclis

Younger Brother

Towards Saalima Khan


Neutral Good
1548 (Physically) 5813 (Chronologically)
Parents (Adopting)
Ari Ashdew (spouse)
Saalima Khan (Older Sister)
Golden Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned / Blue Scales
5'10" (Male) 5'4" (Female) 29' 7" (Draconic)
180 lbs. / 30 Tons


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