Shelyn the Eternal Rose (SHEHL-ihn)

Shelyn (a.k.a. The Eternal Rose)

Shelyn is the goddess of art, beauty, love, and music, and the half-sister of Zon-Kuthon. She started life as a relatively minor deity of beauty, art, and music, but with the destruction of her unnamed mother, the former goddess of love, Shelyn gained her mother's portfolio. Shelyn continues to focus on beauty and the related areas of art and music, and has expanded upon her mother's relatively narrow view of love to include all forms of the emotion.

Divine Domains

Shelyn's Divine Domains enompass those of Creation, Family, Passion and Protection.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shelyn's Divine Symbol is that of a Multicolored Songbird.   Shelyn's Sacred Animals encompass all manner of Songbirds, and she sends these to guide her favored followers.   The Eternal Rose's Favored Weapons are Glaives, similar to the Weapon she wrested from her brother in Eons past.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shelyn takes the form of a beautiful young woman usually clad in a white robe and sandals. She does not often appear armored due to her relatively pacifist nature but when pressed to fight she is capable of doing so. Under such Circumstances she is clad in flawless Chain Mail fashioned for her by the Dwarven God Torag.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The goddess Shelyn was born the daughter of the spirit-wolf Thron and an unknown ancient deity thought to have been a goddess of love, after the First Gods (including her half-brother Dou-Bral) had imprisoned Rovagug and agreed to leave humanity to its own devices. For a time, she and Dou-Bral shared the portfolios of beauty, love and the arts, and were worshiped by the early Taldans, until at some point they argued, and Dou-Bral abandoned Golarion for the far dark places between the planes. When Dou-Bral returned to Golarion, he had become the god of mutilation, misery and torture: Zon-Kuthon.   Believing that Dou-Bral still existed within Zon-Kuthon, Shelyn reached out him, but he pierced her hand with his black nails. When Thron, their father, tried to welcome him, Zon-Kuthon captured and tortured the wolf-spirit beyond recognition, turning him into his herald, the Prince in Chains. It was for these crimes, and for other terrible acts he committed against Shelyn and her works, that the gods of Golarion banished Zon-Kuthon to the Plane of Shadow, there to reside for as long as the sun hung in the sky.[citation needed] In an attempt to redeem her brother, Shelyn stole his malign weapon, the Whisperer of Souls, but was ultimately unable to turn him to the light. She kept the glaive out of love for him, despite its negative influence.   Shelyn was worshipped by the ancient Azlanti as patron of the arts. She would send lillends to devout communities to serve as muses.   Later, presumably after the Age of Darkness, the siblings quarreled again. Zon-Kuthon responded to Shelyn's tears and her pleading with violence, until she wrested his weapon, a golden glaive, away from him, and a tenuous peace of silence and avoidance was established.


Sarenrae the Everlight


Towards Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Towards Sarenrae the Everlight


Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Towards Desna the Dreamer


Desna the Dreamer


Towards Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Towards Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord


Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord


Towards Shelyn the Eternal Rose


Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eternal Rose
The Incorruptible
The Eternal Maiden


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