Tali Ashdew, Herald of Order

will oppose the Chaos and I will not be Cruel. I am The Angel of Order, Iomedae. You are a mortal who claimed Divinity and I am an Angel who wished to live as a Mortal. I will forever oppose you. - Tali Ashdew to Iomedae the Inheritor

Herald of Law, Tali Zarea Eld- Ashdew

The Herald of The Goddess of Law, Ziel Viendal, Tali Ashdew is one of the Judicators of the Divine City of Axis and one of the few non Divines able to cast Judgement on the other Gods who call Axis home, most commonly butting heads with Iomedae the Inheritor. While techincally no longer aligned with Celestia, she does make frequent visits to the Celestial Realm to meet with her family, though she is careful not to show them partiality when deciding judgements with her Mistress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shortly after the Fall of Mazerath, Tali accepted the offer from Ziel to become her Herald on the condition that she would be allowed to work closely with her Wife. Following her ascension to the Status to Herald, Tali has taken on a much more divine appearance than she had previously though she retains all of the skills she was born with. As a Divine Herald Tali has become much more aligned with Ziel since her intial ascension and in truth she is the reason much of Axis runs as smoothly as it does, as while Ziel was attempting to restore order to the Material Plane and the Outer Planes following the Merging of Worlds.   Tali prefers to seek non violent solutions when she can and she becomes Highly upset when her orders and offers are ignored. She is the Right Hand of Ziel and according to much of the Divine Gossip within Axis it is Tali who has been marked to inherit the postion as Goddess of Law should Ziel be killed, something Tali has actively fought to prevent since her Ascension.   The less Glamourous side of her duties is that Tali is the Servitor in charge of disciplining those who violate the rules, including other Divine or Celestial Entities. Tali has had both her Mother and her Wife under her Judgement with Daniella most recently being barred from using her Divine Abilites for an undisclosed amount of time. Tali is impartial in her judgements and none have ever successfully argued otherwise.


Daniella Eld, Herald of Freedom


Towards Tali Ashdew, Herald of Order


Tali Ashdew, Herald of Order


Towards Daniella Eld, Herald of Freedom


Divine Classification
Divine Herald
Lawful Good
Current Status
Serving as a Judge of Axis
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Golden Angel
The Angel of Order
The Herald of Order
The Judge of Axis
Year of Birth
2082 EP 692 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Golden Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ziel Viendal/ Zefer Ashdew


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